1774 Deed - William Sykes to William Rieves Jr.

1774 Deed - William Sykes to William Rieves Jr.

1774 Deed - William Sykes to William Rieves Jr.


Sussex County, Virginia
Deed Book E, p308
20 Sep 1774


This Indenture made this 20th day of September in the fourteenth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of great Britain France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c and in the year of our Lord Christ One thousand seven hundred & seventy four Between William Sykes the Elder of the Parish of Albemarle and County of Sussex of the one part and William Rieves Junr of the County & Parish aforesaid of the other part Wintesseth that the said William Sykes for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said William Rieves at & before the ensealing & Delivery of these presents, but more especially for & in consideration of the said William Rieves's becoming security for the said William Sykes in a Replevy Bond to John Sykes by Baverly Boothe his Guardian & next friend for the payment of One hundred pounds or thereabouts and all interest arising thereon, and the said William Sykes being willing & desirous of saving harmless and indemnifying the said William Rieves his heirs executors & administrators in the aforesaid Engagement made and entered into by the said William Rieves for and on account of the said William Sykes or that he the said William Rieves may hereafter enter into as security for the said William Sykes, the said William Sykes hath Granted Bargained & Sold and by these presents doth Grant Bargain and sell alien enfeoff and confirm unto the said William Rieves and to his heirs & assigns forever all that certain tract or parcel of land situate lying & being in the parish & County aforesaid and is the College Tenement whereon the said William Sykes now lives and which the said William Sykes purchased of Thomas Whitfield and also the following slaves now to the said William Sykes belonging, namely, Amey a woman, and Ned a Boy and also one boy Mare & filley one black gelding fourteen head of neat cattle, thirteen head of hoggs, four feather beds & furniture three derks and all & every of my household furniture of what kind soever it be, and also all my crop of Indian corn now growing (except a deduction of one third part thereof the allowance or share of an overseer) and likewise all & every of my personal estate of whatever nature or quality it be with all & singular the appurtenances to the said tract of land belonging or in any wise appertaining & also the aforesaid slaves & every of them with their & every of their increase (if any) and also all & every of the aforementioned articles and also all the Estate right Title interest claim & demand whatsoever of him the said William Sykes of in & to the said Land & premises and to the said slaves with their & each of their increase (if any) and also the several matters & things before mentioned.
To have & to hold the said land & premises and every part & parcel thereof and the aforesaid slaves & every of them with their & each of their increase unto the said William Rieves his heirs & assigns In trust as aforesaid with full power & lawful authority that in case the said William Rieves his heirs executors admrs or assigns should at any time be liable called upon or be compelled to satisfy & pay the said One hundred pounds & interest arising thereon or any part thereof by being security for the said William Sykes for the payment of the aforementioned sum, that then the said William Rieves his heirs executors admrs or assigns shall & may lawfully sell and dispose of the said land and such and so many of the said slaves and the aforementioned articles as shall be sufficient to pay & satisfy such debt & debts and all costs & charges the said William Rieves his heirs exors or admrs shall or may be put to on account of the said securityship and the overplush of the money arising by means of such sale or sales that may be in consequence of the said Rieves's being security as aforesaid (if any) to be by the said William Rieves his heirs executors administrators assigns paid to the said William Sykes his heirs or assigns and the said William Sykes for himself & his heirs the said land & premises the said Negro slaves & every of them with their future increase (if any) and the respective articles aforesaid to the said William Rieves his heirs and assigns In trust as aforesaid against him & his heirs and against all & every other person & persons whatsoever shall and will warrant and forever Defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said William Sykes hath hereunto set his Hand & affixed his seal the day & year first within written.
Sealed and Delivered }William Sykes (LS)
in presence of }
Jno Baird Junr
Fred (his x mark) Young
John (his x mark) Jean
William (his x mark) Sykes Jr

At a Court held for Sussex County the 16th day of February 1775
This Deed of Trust was proved to be the Act & Deed of the within mentioned William Sykes by the Oaths of John Baird Junr & William Sykes Junr tow of the witnesses thereto, and at another Court held for the said County the 20th Day of April next following the said Deed was further proved by the Oath of John Jean a third witness thereto and by the Court ordered to be Recorded.
ExamdTeste A. Claiborne CSCo


This would appear to be William Rives Jr. who later moved to North Carolina. He is mentioned as William Rives Jr. in the Albemarle Parish Register.


FamilySearch - Sussex County, Virginia Deed Book E, p308