Will of Elizabeth Allen
Essex County, Virginia
Will Book 12, p. 602
30 Sep 1774
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Elizabeth Allen of the County of Essex being very sick but Thanks be to Almighty God am in my perfect sences (sic) and memory and calling to mind the uncertain state of this transitory Life and that it is appointed for all Mortals to dye (sic) and for the more effectual and better settling my Temporal affairs do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament disanuling (sic) and revoking all former Wills heretofore made. IMPREMUS (sic). First I bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty God thro. The merits of my Blessed Savior and Redeemer to have full pardon for all my sins. Secondly I submit my Body to the Earth from whence it was first Taken to be decently Buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned & Thirdly on Touching what Temporal estate it hath been pleased the Almighty to bless me with in this life do give and dispose off (sic) in manner and form following. First I give and bequeath to my son Henry Allen that part of Land I purchased of William Porter adjoining him and Mrs. Burnett ~ together with eight negroes namely Folly Mintheas Charles Ben Chloe young Baccus Melinda Jem. To him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever also my best Bed and furniture and bedsead (sic?) and all my stock of Cattle hoggs sheep horses and all my household furniture with every thing that is now on my plantation except my other Negroes that is not already given.I give and bequeath to my daughter Tamzine Gatewood and her heirs lawfully begotten of her Body nine Negroes namely) Abner Billy Shack Great Baccus Jacob Cate Frank Creesson Dixon Together with all my stock and household furniture that I have at the River and the Besland Quarter. Thirdly I give and bequeath to my Grandson John Allen son of Henry Allen The Land and Plantation I now live on and the Land I bought of William Porter that _ next the Mill to him and his heirs forever lawfully begotten of his Body and if he should dye (sic) without such heirs my will and desire is that it may go and descend to my Grand Son Richd. Henry Allen to him and the heirs of his Body lawfully begotten forever. I give to my Grandaughter Elizabeth Allen one Negro Boy General to her and her heirs forever, also I give to my Grandson Richd. Henry Allen a Negro Girl named Silva to him and his heirs of his Body lawfully begotten forever.
I also give to my Grand Daughter Elisabeth Gatewood one Negro Girl Hannah to her and her heirs forever also I give to my Grandson Richard Gatewood one Negro Woman Violet and her increase from this date forever also a Negro Boy Anderson to him and his Lawfull heirs forever.
I also give to my Grandson John Gatewood, one Negro Boy named Aires to him and his heirs forever.
I also give to my Grand Daughter Salla Gatewood one Negro Girl Judah to her and her heirs forever. It is my desire that my Just Debts be first paid out my Estate and a (sic) do appoint my Loving Son Henry Allen Executor over that part of my Estate that I have Given to him and his Children. I also appoint Richard Gatewood Executor to that part of my Estate I have given to his Wife and Children They being no ways Concerned with any other part then I have here mentioned no farther (sic) than to see my Debts paid and funeral Expenses and do ordain them my whole and sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament ~
AS WITNESS my hand and Seale this 30th day of September 1774.
Wittness (sic) her
H Perkins Elizabeth X Allen (Seal)
Thomas Meador mark
Ambrose Allen
Ann X Meador
AT A COURT held for Essex County at Tappahannock on Monday the 19th day of December 1774.
This Will was presented into Court by Henry Allen and William Gatewood the Executors therein named who made oath thereto according to Law and being also proved by the oaths of Henry Perkins Thomas Meador and Ambrose Allen three of the Witnesses thereto it is admitted to Record.
John Lee ClCur