James Herring Family Bible
James Herring, born June 15th AD 1777, was the son of Simon and Rachel Herring. He married on March 24th 1803 Elizabeth, daughter of Adam and Anne Duncan Reaves, born April 10th AD 1785.
Elizabeth Herring wife of said James Herring Died 4th of October in the year of our Lord 1838.
Married March 24th 1803
Anne Herring daughter of James & Elizabeth Herring was born February 7th AD 1804
Elizabeth Herring daughter of said persons was born 27 July 1806
Zilpha Herring daughter of said persons was born March 29th AD 1809
Joel Herring son of the above persons born May 6th AD 1811
Abigail Herring daughter of the above persons was born September 3rd AD 1813
James Herring son of the above persons born Dec'r 18th AD 1815
Benjamin Herring son of the above persons born July 8th AD 1818
Edith Herring daughter of said persons was born Janr'y 21st AD 1821
Edney Herring daughter of said persons was born Febr'y 21st AD 1823
Caity Herring daughter of said persons was born Aug't 18th 1825
Elizabeth and Susan Lewis the daughters of John & Abigail Lewis was born
21st of July 1836
James Daniel was son of Simon & Zilphia Herring was born April 29th 1819
Sarah Herring was born February 25 1836
Elizabeth Herring was born July 27th 1840
James Harris son of John and Elizabeth Harris was born March 20th 1833
Elizabeth Herring daughter of James and Elizabeth Herring was married to
John Harris son of John Harris Oct 31st 1822
Joel Herring son of James Herring and Pollyet Kornegay daughter of George
Kornegay was married March 19th 1835
Abigail Herring daughter of James & Elizabeth Herring was married to John
Lewis son of Urbin Lewis wife Susan Casey d/o Micajah Casey
October 1st 1835
Benjamin Herring and Grissella Pipkin was married September 3 1844
James R. Parker and Edith Herring was married May the 18th 1865
Lewis Outlaw and Catey Herring was married July the 10 day 1866
Elizabeth Herring wife of said James Herring died 4th October in the year
of our Lord 1838
John Harris died October 29 1839
Joel Herring died 20th January in the year of our Lord 1840
Edney Herring daughter of Jas and Elizabeth Herring died July 30th AD 1843
James Herring son of James & Elizabeth Herring died the 13th Aug 1845
James Herring died September the 3rd day in the year of our 1845
Zilpha Herring daughter of James and Elizabeth Herring died October 31 1845
Benjamin Herring son of James and Elizabeth Herring died Sep't 7th 1858
James Harris son of John and Elizabeth Harris died May the 17th 1863 in Richmon
Anna Herring daughter of James & Elizabeth Herring died the 24th of Dec'r 1865
Catey Outlaw died Aprl the 7 day 1880
Copy of this Bible is in the DAR Library in Washington, DC.Transcription - Herring Bible at North Carolina GenWeb Archives