Will of Joseph Reeves
Essex County, Virginia
Will Book 13 pg. 371
1 Apr 1781
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Joseph Reeves of the parish of South farnham & County of Essex being in perfect Sence (sic) & memory Do make this my last will & Testament ( And hereby revoking & Denying all other Wills by me heretofore made) in manner and form following IMPRIMUS I give & bequeath unto my loving wife Elizabeth Reeves my best bed & furniture my Grey Horse & four Barrels of Indian Corn I also lend to her During her natural life my negro wench Rose & at her Death I give the said negro to my five Grand Daughters namely Mary Lumpkin, Susannah Coleman, Elizabeth Ball Henrietta Ball & Sally Waggener – ITEM I give & bequeath unto my Grand son Carter Ball all my land to him & his heirs forever – ITEM I give & bequeath unto my five Grand Daughters above named all the remainder of my estate of what nature or kind so ever it be to be equally divided amongst them Lastly I Constitute & Appoint my Grandson Carter Ball & my friend Robert Lumpkin my Executors to this my Last will and Testament IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal this first Day of April 1781Signed Sealed Published & Del’d ~ }
To be his last will & Testamt } Jos: Reeves (Seal)
Reuben Garnett
Gabrel Gatewood
A Codicil to the within will made this 7th Day of December 1782 I Give and bequeath unto my Friend Lewis Moody my Still and Side Saddle to him & his heirs forever Any thing in my will mentioned to the Contrary Notwithstanding. As witness my hand & Seal the Date above.
Signed Sealed & Acknowledged Jos: Reeves (Seal)
In presence of us . . . . . . . . }
Reuben Garnett
Gabriel Gatewood
At a Court held for Essex County at Tapp.a on the 21st Day of April 1783 This last will and Testament of Joseph Reeves Decd was proved by the witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
Teste Hancock Lee Clk
And at a Court for Essex County at Tapp.a on the 19th Day of May 1783 This will was further proved by Robert Lumpkin who qualified as an Exor thereto which is Ordered to be (erased and stricken) Certified –
Hancock Lee Clk