1781 Will - William Reeve
Dated: 11 Sep 1781, Chelmsford, EssexProbated: Commissary of Bishop of London, 13 Dec 1781
In the Name of God Amen I William Reeve of Chelmsford in the county of Essex Malster being of sound and disposing mind and memory (thanks be to God for the same) Do make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner following (that is to say) I give and devise unto my Brother John Reeve of Chignal Saint James in the said County of Essex yeoman and his heirs all that my copyhold messuage or tenement with the malting office listern and wire? thereto belonging mill house with the malt mill therein, stable, outhouses, yard garden orchard lands grounds and appurtenances thereunto belonging situate lying and being in the Hamlet of Moulsham in the said parish of Chelmsford and now in my own occupation (and which I have surrendered to the use of my will) To hold the same unto the said John Reeve his heirs and assigns for ever Charged nevertheless and I do hereby charge all the said premises with their appurtenances from and immediately after my Decease with the Payment of the sum of Four Hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain which I will shall be taken as part of and go along with the Residue of my personal estate as the same is hereinafter disposed of or directed to go and be applied And I Give and Bequeath unto my Brother Joseph Reeve, and to my said Brother John Reeve and to my sister Mary the wife of James Harwood, and to my sister Ann the wife of John Madle, and to my sister Sarah the wife of William Eve the sum of Fifty pounds apiece I also give the sum of fifty pounds to be equally divided amongst the children of my sister Love deceased late wife of Abraham Saward and I also Give and Bequeath unto my said Brothers Joseph Reeve and John Reeve (whom I have hereinafter named my executors) the sum of fifty pounds upon trust that they or the survivors of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor shall and do from time to time during the life of my sister Martha the wife of Isaac White pay and dispose of the interest and proceed of the said sum of fifty pounds or the said principal sum of fifty pounds or any part thereof as in their discretion they shall think fit and proper to such person or persons and for such uses and purposes and in such manner as my said sister Martha shall notwithstanding her coverture by any writing or writings under her hand direct or appoint to the intent that the same may not be at the disposal of or subject to the contrioul? Debts or Engagements of her said Husband and for which her Receipt alone shall be a sufficient Discharge. And upon trust after the Decease of my said sister Martha to pay the Remainder (if any) of the said sum of fifty pounds as shall not have been applied to the use of the said Martha in her life time unto and amongst all and every her children that shall be living at her Decease. And all the Rest and Residue of my monies securities for money Goods Credits Chattles and personal estate whatsoever and whenceever (after my debts lagacies funeral charges and probate of this my will paid) I give and Bequeath the same and every part thereof to my said Brothers Joseph and John Reeve and their executors Administrators Upon Trust that they or the survivor of them or the executors or Administrators of such survivor shall and do as soon as conveniently may be after my Decease sell and convert into money all such part thereof as shall not consist of monies and shall and do lend and place out all the said Residue of my personal estate or any parliamentary securities or on any mortgages or other securities either real or personal as they shall think fit and shall and do pay all the interest and proceed thereof from time to time as the same shall be received unto my honoured mother Love Reeve Widow for and during the term of her natural life and upon further Trust that they shall and do from and immediately after her Decease ration and keep to each of themselves the said Joseph Reeve and John Reeve one seventh part of the clear Residue of my said personal estate and shall and do pay one other seventh part thereof to my said sister Mary Harwood, one other seventh part thereof to my said sister Ann Madle, one other seventh part thereof to my said sister Sarah Eve and one other seventh part thereof equally amongst all the children of my said sister Love Saward deceased that shall be loving at the Decease of my said Mother. And in case any of my said Brothers or Sisters shall die in the Lifetime of my said mother then I will that their respective shares of and in my said personal estate shall be equally divided amongst their several children that shall be then living. And upon further trust that they my said executors and the survivor of them his executors and Administrators shall and do dispose and pay the interest and proceed of the remaining seventh part of the said Residue of my personal estate after the decease of my said mother from time to time as the same shall come to their hands during the natural life of my said sister Martha Wife of the said Isaac White to such person or persons and for such uses and purposes and in such manner as my said sister Martha White shall by any writing or writings under her hand notwithstanding her coverture direct or appoint to the intent that the same may not be at the disposal of or subject to the controul? debts or ingagements of her said Husband but only at her own sole and seperate disposal and for want of such appointment into her own proper hands for her own personal use and Benefit and for which her receipt alone shall be a sufficient discharge And upon trust after the Decease of my said sister Martha White to pay the said last mentioned seventh part of the residue of my personal estate equally amongst all her children that shall be living at her decease (if more than one) and if but one then wholly to that one. And I do hereby make and appoint my said Brothers Joseph and John Reeve executors of this my last Will and Testament and I give to each of my said Executors (over & above what I have before given them by this my will) the sum of five pounds for their care and trouble in and about the execution of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament contained in three sheets of papers set my hand to each of the first two sheets thereof and to this third and last sheet my hand and seal the eleventh day of September In the year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and eighty one.William Reeve
Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said }
William Reeve the Testator as and for his last Will and }
Testament in the presence of us }
Robt Tindale Richd Ruffell
7 Day of December 1781
Joseph Reeve and John Reeve Brothers of the deceased and executors within named were sworn to the truth of this Will and to the due performance thereof before me
John Maigan, Surrogate
Testator died in the Parish within mentioned 29th Octr last
This Will of William Reeve late of the Parish of Chelmsford in the County of Essex deceased was proved on the Seventh Day of December in the year of our Lord 1781 before the Reverend John Morgan Clerk Surrogate &c by the Oaths of Joseph Reeve and John Reeve Brothers of the deceased and Executors named in the said Will to whom Administration of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased was granted and committed on the 13th Day of the said month of December they being first Sworn duly to Administer.