1784 Deed - William & Hannah Reeves to James Mulloy
Guilford County, North Carolina
Deed Book 3, Pg 95-96
1 Apr 1784
Recorded August Court 1784
William Reeves to James MulloyThis Indenture made this first day of April Anna Dom. one Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty four between (Reeves_William_3112|William Reeves)) and Hanna his wife of the County of Guilford and State of North Carolina of the one part and James Mulloy of the Same County & State of the other part WITNESSETH that the said William Reeves & Hannah his wife for and in Consideration of the Sum of one Hundred pounds specie to them in Hand paid by the Said James Mulloy before the ensealing & Delivering of these presents the receipt thereof the Said William Reeves & hannah, his wife Doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and every part
thereof Doth Discharge and acquit the said James Mulloy his Heirs Executors and Administrators and every of them hath given granded (sic) Bargained Sold and Confirmed and by these presents doth give grant bargain Sell and Confirm the said James Mulloy his Heirs and assigns forever all that Tract or parcel of Land lying & being in Guilford County on the North side of Haw River Beginning at a post Oak on John Rhodes Line running thence East one Hundred & four poles to a Dead White Oak on the Said Side of Richland branch thence North three Hundred and Seven poles to a Black Oak thence West one Hundred and four poles to a Post Oak John Holmis (sic) Corner thence South three hundred and Seven poles to the first Station Containing one Hundred and Ninty Nine Acres be the same more or less it being part of a tract of Land granted by the State to William Reeves bearing Date the thirteenth Day of November A.D. one thousand Seven Hundred and seventy nine and of the Sovereignty and Independence of Said State the fourth (?) & registered in the registers Office of Guilford County together with all and Singular the appurtenances and Advantages thereunto belonging to have and to Hold the afforesaid (sic) Land
and premises with the appurtenances unto the said James Mulloy his Heirs &assigns forever and to his and their only proper use & behoof and the Said William Reeves and Hanna his wife for them selves their Heirs Executors and Administrators Doth by these presents Covenant promise grant and agree to and with the Said James Mulloy his Heirs & assigns in Manner & form following that is to Say that he the Said James Mulloy his Heirs and assigns forever hereafter Shall & may quitely (sic) and peaceably have hold possess and enjoy the aforesaid Land and premises with the appurtenances free and Clear and that the Said William Reeves & Hannah his wife their heirs Executors and administrators the aforesaid one Hundred and ninety nine Acres of Land and premises with the appurtenances unto him the Said James Mulloy his Heirs & assigns forever Shall and will by these presents Warrant and defend against all persons & Claims whatsoever and lastly that they the Said William Reeves and Hanna his wife their Heirs Executors and Administrators Shall and will at any time hereafter make Execute and acknowledge any other Deed or writing for the more sure making over and confirming the aforesaid Land and premises with the appurtenances unto the Said James Mulloy his Heirs & assigns Such as by him or by the persons for the time being claiming under him Shall Shall (sic) be required In WITNESS whereof the Said William reeves & hanna his wife hath hereunto Set their Hands & Seals the Day and year first above written.
Signed Sealed Delivered
In the presence of William Reeves (Seal)
Jeremiah Reeves, } Hannah (her mark) Reeves (Seal)
Anna (her mark) Mauldin }
Guilford County August Court 1784
Jeremiah Reeves proved the Execution of the within Deed in open Court which
was ordered to be registered.
Thos. Henderson Cl