1784 Deed - Jeremiah & Jane Reeves to Joseph Irwin
Guilford County, North Carolina
Deed Book 4, Page 36
8 Oct 1784
This Indenture made this eighth Day of October in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven hundred and eighty four between Jeremiah Reeves & Jane his wife bouth (sic) of the county of Guilford and State of North Carolina of the one part & Joseph Irwin of the county and state aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said Jeremiah Reeves & Jane his wife for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds Specie to them in hands paid by the said Joseph Irvin at & before the sealing & Delivery of this the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and thereof and of every part thereof doth exonerate and Discharge the said Joseph Irvine his heirs Executors & administrators They the said Jeremiah Reeves and Jane his wife hath Granted bargained Sold alined (sic) enfeoffed and confirmed & by these presents doth Grant bargain sell alien enfeoff and confirm unto the said Joseph Irvin his Heirs & assigns for ever a certain tract or parcel of Land Situate lying & being in the said county of Guilford on the North side of Meires fork of Haw river Beginning at a birch on the Bank of the aforesaid Maires fork in James Reeves line running thence North along his line Seventy eight poles to John Rhodes corner white oak thence west along his line two hundred and four poles to a hickory thence North along his line twenty two poles to Richard Burton’s corner white oak in John Rhoads line thence west along his line two hundred and fifty three poles to a white oak thence South along his line Two hundred & Eight poles to a Post Oak in Parr’s line Thence east along the Line of said Parr John Campbel and Ezekial Wiggins crossing a branch two hundred & fifty nine poles to a black oak on the bank of said Maires fork thence Down the Meanders thereof the opposite side being entered by William Moore & Richard Simpson Junr, to the first Station containing in the whole five hundred acres of land be the same more or less which tract of land was Granted to the said Jeremiah Reeves by Pattent bearing Date the first Day of March in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty and registered in the registers office of said county in Book B page 157 as referenced thereto being had will more fully appear together with all woods ways waters water courses and appurtenances belonging or in any wise appertaining to the Premises hereby Granted or intended & the reversion & reversions remainder and remainders and all Services benefits and Profits of the said land and Premises and all their rights claims interest & Securitys relating to the Land TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said land & other Premises unto the said Joseph Irvin his Heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Joseph Irwin his Heirs and assigns forever And the said ((Reeves_Jeremiah_3107|Jerimiah (sic) Reeves)) and Jane his wife doth hereby Grant for themselves & their Heirs that they the said Jeremiah Reeves and Jane his wife and their Heirs & every of them Shall and will warrant and forever Defend the Said land & other premises and every part and article hereof with all and singular their rights & appurtenances unto the said Joseph Irwin his Heirs and assigns for ever against them the said Jeremiah Reves (sic) and Jane his wife and their Heirs and every of them & against every other person whomsoever In Witness whereof the said Jeremiah Reeves and Jane his wife hath hereunto set their Hands and Seals on the day & year first above written.Jeremiah Reeves (Seal)
Jane (her CC mark) Reeves (Seal)
Signed Sealed & Delivered } Guilford County
In the presence of } November Court 1785
Jacob Casswell } The Execution of the within Deed was proven in open
Samuel Dieck (sic?) } Court by the oath of Jacob Casswell which was
ordered to be registered. Test Tho Henderson CC