Granville Co., NC 1785 Deed - Malachi Reeves to William Reeves

1785 Deed - Malachi Reeves to William Reeves

1785 Deed - Malachi Reeves to William Reeves

Granville County, North Carolina
Deed Book O, Page 390
3 Aug 1785


THIS INDENTURE Made this third day of August in the Year One thousand Seven Hundred & Eighty five Between Malichi Reeves of Granville County & State of North Carolina of one part & William Reeves of the other part Witnesseth that for & in consideration of the Sum of one Hundred pounds to him in hand paid at or before the ensealing & delivery hereof the rect (receipt) whereof is hereby acknowledged &c the sd. Malachi Reeves he the sd. Malachi Reeves doth hereby acquit & discharge hath granted bargained & sold released & confirmed & doth by these presents grant bargain sell release & confirm unto the sd. William Reeves his heirs & assigns forever a certain piece of land lying on both sides of Tabbs Creek & Beginning at a red oak running North 112 poles to a ash in the branch then west to a pine 116 poles thence down the Creek to a ash 6 poles thence west to a red oak 94 poles thence South 45° Wt to a pine 34 poles thence west to post oak 137 po thence South to a red oak 93 poles thence east to first Station Containing by estimation 257 acres of land be the same more or less together with all houses orchards & all other appertances (sic) thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining & all right Title & interest in & to sd. premises reversion & reversions Remainder and Remainders rents issues & profits thereof & every part & parcel thereof with all their appertances (sic) thereunto belonging to have & to hold the sd. piece of land & other the premises to the same belonging to the sd. William Reeves his heirs & assigns forever he the sd. Malachi Reeves for himself his heirs Exetrs Admrs & assigns doth covenant & agree to & with the sd. William Reeves his heirs & assigns that he the sd. Malachi Reeves his heirs Exrs Admrs & assigns shall & will ever defend the same to the sd William Reeves his heirs & assigns forever against the lawfull claims of any person or persons forever In Witness whereof he the sd. Malachi Reeves hath hereunto set his hand & affixed his seal the day & year above Written ~~~~~~

                                                                                        Malichi (his R mark) Reeves (Seal)

Signed Sealed & delivered in the presents of    }     Granville County Sct
Rd Banks Wm Ashley                                             }     Augt Court AD 1785
This Deed was duly proved by the Oath of Richard Banks & ordered to be Registered.
Truly Reg Jn M Satterwhite PR           Tests Reuben Searcy CC


Granville County NC Deed Book O, Page 390, scanned originals online at Family Search

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Wednesday 24 of June, 2020 14:14:05 CDT by Beverly.