Deed - William Reeves to Thomas Moore
Guilford County, North Carolina
Deed Book 4, pg 93
Written 1 Oct 1785
Recorded - Feb Court 1786
This Indenture made this first Day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred & Eighty five Between William Reeves of the county of Guilford and State of North Carolina of the one Part & Thomas Moore of the Same County of the other part Witnesseth that the said William Reeves for & in consideration of the Sum of one hundred pounds Lawfull money of said State to the said William Reeves in hand paid by the said Thomas Moore hath given granted & sold & by these presents doth Give Grant Sell and confirm to the said Thomas Moore three hundred and twenty acres of land it being part of a survey they (sic?) said William Reeves now Possesseth & resurveyed the thirty first Day of January one thousand Seven hundred & Eighty one lying & being in the county Aforesaid Situate on the North side of Haw river Beginning at a Black oak Saplin William Reeves corner thence South on said line three hundred and Seven poles down richland Branch to a white Oak on said Rhodes thence East on said line one hundred and Sixty Seven poles to a Black Oak Malachiah Reeves corner thence north on said line three hundred & seven poles to a white Oak thence west one hundred and Sixty Seven poles to the first Station together with all waters woods mines minerals Hereditaments & appurtenances to the Said land appertaining or Belonging TO HOLD to the Said Thomas Moore his Heirs and assigns for ever they Yielding and Paying such sums of Money Yearly or otherwise as the General assembly may from time to time Direct and said William Reeves and his Heirs the said tenement & Premises and every part thereof against him and his Heirs and against all and Every other person or persons whatsoever to the said Thomas Moore his Heirs and assigns forever Shall and Do Warrant and Defend by these Presents In Witness whereof The said William Reeves hath hereunto set my Hand and affixed My seal the Day & year above written.William Reeves (Seal)
Signed Sealed and }
Delivered in the presence } Guilford County/February Court 1786
John Warner } The Execution of the within Deed was acknowledged
Benjamin Rhoades } in open Court and ordered to be registered.
Test Thos. Searcy CC