1785 Deed - Lewis Jinkins to Frederick Rives

1785 Deed - Lewis Jinkins to Frederick Rives

1785 Deed - Lewis Jinkins to Frederick Rives


Henry County, Virginia
Deed Book 3, p172
19 Nov 1785


This Indenture made the 19th Day of November 1785 in the year of our Lord Christ One Thousand seven hundred & EIghty five, Between Lewis Jinkins of the County of Henry of the one part and Frederick Rives of the sd County of the other part, Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty pounds current omney of Virginia to him in hand paid the said Lewis Jinkins by the said Fredk Rives at or before the sealing and Delivering of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and theas of Doth release grant and Discharge the sd Fredk Rives his Heirs Executors and Administrators by these presents doth he the said Lewis Jinkins hath granted bargained sold aliened Released & Confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell alien release and confirm unto the sd Fredk Rives in his actual possestion now being and his heirs one certain tract of land in the County of Henry and lying on Both sides of Pigg River being the land the said Rives lines on containing by estimation four Hundred acres be the same more or less and Bounded a followeth Viz Begining at the mouth of Jacks Creek on the north side of Pigg River, thence up the River to the mouth of the first Branch on the SOuth side of the River, thence up the branch to the head cornering one White oake, thence South to the Order lone cornering on pointers, thence west up the order line cornering one a Spanish oak on Thos Potter line, thence North Crossing of the sd River cornering on a White Oake on the order line, thence East down the said line to Jacks Creek, thence down the sd Creek to the Beginning and all Houses Buildings or orchards ways waters watercourses profits commodities hereditaments and appertainances, whatsoever to the sd premises hearby granted or ay part thereof Belonging or in any wise appertaining and the revertion and revertions remainder and remainders unto issues and profits thereof and also all the Estate right title in trust use trust property clame and demand whatsoever of him the sd Lewis Jinkins of in and to the sd premises and all Deeds evidence & writing, touching or in anywise concerning the same To have and to hold the sd four hundred acres of land, and all and singular other the premises hearby granted and released and every part and parcel thereof with these and every their appurtenances unto the sd Fredk Rives his heirs and assigns for ever, to the only proper use unto the sd Fredk Rives his heirs and assigns for ever, to the only proper use and behoof of him the sd Fredk Rives his heirs and assigns for ever and the sd Lewis Jinkins for himself his heirs executors administrators doth covenant promise and grant to and with the sd Rives his heirs and assigns by these presents that the sd Lewis Jinkins now at the time of sealing delivering these presents is seized of a goodf sure perfect and Indefeasible estate of inheritance in fee simple of in the premise hearby granted and released and that he hath good power lawfull and absolute athority to grant and convey the same to the sd Rives the sd four hundred acres of land in manner & form aforesaid and the sd premises now are and so forever hearafter shall remain and be free and clear from all former and other gifts grants bargains sales dower right and title of dower charges and Incumbrances whatsoever and shall warrant and forever Defend by these premises In witness whereof I the sd ewis Jinkins hath hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Sealed and Delivered }Lewis (his x mark) Jinkins
In the presence of }
Burwell Rives
Peyton Graves
Isham Hall

At a court held for Henry County on the 24th Day of Novr 1785
The within Indenture was proved by the Oaths of the witnesses thereto to be the act & Deed of the within named Lewis Jinkins & the same was ordered to be Recorded. By the Court
Test John Cox CHC


FamilySearch - Henry County, Virginia Deed Book 3, p172