1787 Deed - John and Hanna Williams to William Reeves
Spartanburg County, SC
Deed Book M, p146
18 Jan 1787
South Carolina Ninety Six DistrictThis Indenture made the 18th day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven between John Williams of Ninety six District and Spartanburgh County in the State of South Carolina of the one part and William Reeves of the said County and State aforesaid farmer of the other part Witnesseth that the said John Williams and Hanna his wife for an in consideration of the sum of three hundred pounds sterling money to him in hand paid by the said William Reevs the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged before the sealing and delivery of these presents we have granted bargained sold alliene released conveyed and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell release convey and confirm unto the said William Reeves an Indenture of lease bearing date the day before the date hereof and by force of the statute for transfering uses unto possession and his heirs and assigns for ever all that Plantation tract or parcel of land containing three hundred and Eleven acres situate lying and being on Williams creek branch of Tygar River and bound Northwardly and Southwardly by old lines and bound Eastwardly by John Mclrath land and Granted to John Williams the third day of April Anno Domine one thousand seven hundred and Eighty six and signed and Witnessed by his Excellency William Moultau Esquire Governor and commander in chief over the said State Together with all houses out houses Buildings fences woods and all appertenances whatsoever to the said plantation tract or parcel of land Belonging or in any wise appertaining and the ? and ? remainder and remainders use and profits of all and singular the said premises with these and every of their appertenances and also all the estate right title interest claim and demand whatsoever both in law and Equity of him the said John Williams and Hanna his wife of in and to the same or any part thereof with their appertenances to have and to hold all and singular the said planatation or tract of three hundred and eleven acres of land hereditaments premises and appertenances above mentioned and every part thereof unto the said William Reeves his heirs and assigns to the only proper use bequest and behoof of him the said William Reeves his heirs and assigns forever and the said John Williams and Hanna his wife for their selves their heirs Executors Administrators and assigns doth hereby covenant grant and agree to and with the said William Reevs his heirs and assigns in manner and form following, that is to say that the said John Williams and his heirs the above granted premises and appertenances unto the said William Reeves his heirs and assigns from and against all persons whatsoever shall and well warrant and by these presents for ever defend witness hereof the parties to these presents have hereunto enterchanibly set their hands and seals the day and year first above written
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in the presence ofJohn Williams (Seal)
Witness Elisha (his mark) GarlandHanna Williams (Seal)
Jesse (his mark) Garland
James Wofford
Received the 18th day January 1787 of William Reeves three hundred pounds sterling money it being the full consideration money within mentioned Received by us
John Williams
Hanna William
South Carolina }Beford one Ladock Ford JP of said County
Spartanburgh County }Personally appeared James Wofford and duly made oath agreeable to law and saith that he saw John Williams and Hanna Williams sign seal and deliver the within release unto William Reeves and that he also saw Elisha Garland and Jesse Garland with himself subscribe their names as witness at the same time sworn and subscribed this 30th day of August 1796
Ladock Ford JP
James Wofford