Mason County - Order Book A
Mason County, Kentucky
Order Book A, 1789-1794
FHL Film #0281832, part 1
25 Nov 1789
pp. 37-8,
“Abraham Leforge Plt
vs By attachment
William Ralston Defd
This day came the Plt by his attorney and Thornly Berry a deputy Sheriff of this County having returned on the attachment that he had levied the Same in the hands of Elijah Reeves and had summoned him to declare upon Oath what effects belonging to the said Defendant he had in his hands who being Sworn declares he has Twenty Yards of Six Hundred Chain and five and half ft of Tow filling whereupon it is considered by the Court that the Plantiff recovers against the Defent three pounds Twelve Shillings and his Costs by him in this to behalf expended and the Deft is in Mercy &c and it is Ordered that the Sheriff expose the said effects to Sale and pay the produce thereof to the Plantiff towards Satisfying this Judgement and if there be any over plus that he pay the Same to the Defendant.”
26 May 1790, Quarter Sessions Court
p. 68
“Edmund Butt Plt
against In A & Battery
John Kenton Det
This day came the parties by their attorneys and thereupon came a Jury to wit Zachariah Thompson, Peter Lee, John Gutridge, Joel Berry, Michael Cassady, Edward Dobyns, Richard Stevenson, George Lewis, John Wilson, Elijah Reeves, John Logan and Charles Vancouver who being elected tried and Sworn the truth to Speak on the Issu Joined upon their Oathes do say that the Defendant is Guilty in manner and form as the Plantiff against him hath declared and they do assess the Plantiffs Damages by ?Occation? thereof to five pounds besides his costs and upon motion of the Plantiff by this attorney a mistrial is awarded him and this Suit is continued until the next Court he to pay the costs of this trial.”
pp. 68-9
"Elijah Reeves Plt
against In Case
John Williams Deft
This day came the parties by their attorneys and on motion of the Defendant by Consent he is allowed to withdraw his former plea and says he did not assume upon himself in manner and form as the Plantiff against him hath declared and of this he putteth himself on the County and the Plantiff likewise therefore the trial of the Issue is refered until the next Court.”
24 Aug 1790, Quarter Sessions Court
pp. 94-5
“Elijah Reeves Pltf
Against in Case
John Williams Junior Deft
This day came the parties by their attorneys and also came a Jury to wit Isaah Keith Thomas John Meredith Helm, James Ward, Daniel McKenny John Wale Robert Taylor, Samuel Smith, John Lewis Phillip Drake and William Roe & Joseph A Clin Who being elected tried and Sworn the truth to Speak on the issue Joind on their oaths do say, that the defendant did not assume upon himself in manner and form as the Pltf against him hath alledged. Therefore it is considered by the Court that the Pltf take nothing by his bill but for his false clamor be in mercy &c and that the deft go thereof without day and the defendant recover of the plaintiff his costs by him in his defence expended”
25 Aug 1790, Quarter Sessions Court
p. 99
“Robert Grey Plt
against In Case
Samuel Strode Defent
This day came the parties by their attorneys and also a Jury to wit Peter Lee John Williams, Jacob Bogard, Alexander Bruce David Davis John Waugh William Biddle William Chenwith James Edwards Elijah Reeves John Corwine and Thomas Nichols who being Elected tried and Sworn the truth to Speak upon the Issue Joined on their Oathes do Say that the Defendant is not Guilty in manner and form as the Plantiff against him hath declared therefore it is considered by the Court that the Plantiff take nothing by his bill but for his false Clamour in mercy &c and the Defendant go thereof hence without day and recover against the Plt his Costs by him about his defence in this behalf expended”
pp. 100-101
“Robert Todd (rs) Pltf
Against in debt
Alexander McIntire Deft
This day came the parties by their attorneys and thereupon came a Jury to wit Peter Lee John Williams Jacob Bogard, Alexr Bruce David Davis John Waugh William Biddle, William Chenowith James Edwards, Elijah Reeves & Thomas Nichols who being elected tried and Sworn the truth to Speak upon the issue Joined upon their Oaths do Say that the Deft hath not paid the debt in the declaration mentioned in manner and form as he by his pleading hath alledged & the pltf hath recieved damage by occasion of Thereof one pound Sixteen Shillings Therefore ‘tis considered by the Court that the Pltf recover against the defendant twelve pounds his debt in the declaration mentioned and his damages in manner and form aforesaid assessed and his Costs by him in this behalf expended & the Defendant in mercy &c.”
23 Mar 1791, Quarter Sessions
p. 169
“Absolom Tenason Plt
against In Trespass Assault & Battery
William Rhodes Def
This day came the parties by their attorneys and thereupon came a Jury to wit Elijah Reeves Matthew Campbell Abner Cornfield, Robert Davis, Meredith Helm John De___ William McDonald Andrew Allason Gideon Palmer Jas Patten Aaron Wells Christian Smith who being elected tryed and Sworn the truth to Speak upon the Issue Joined on their Oathes do Say that the defendant is not Guilty in manner and form as the Plantiff aginst him hath declared therefore tis considered by the Court that the Plt take nothing by his bill but for his False clamour be in mercy &c and that the Defendant to hence without day and recover against the Plantiff his costs by him about his defence in that behalf expended”
p. 170
“Job Gard & Patience Bowen
admrs of Levi Bowen decd Plts
against in Case
William Biddle Def
This day came the parties by their attorneys and thereupon came a Jury to wit Elijah Reeves Matthew Campbell Abner Overfield Robert Davis Meredith Helm John Desha William McDonald Andw Allason Gideon Palmer, Jas Patten Aaron Wells Daniel Feagans who being elected tried and Sworn the truth to Speak upon the Issue Joined on their Oathes do Say that the Defendant did assume upon himself in manner and form as the Plantiffs against him hath declared and they do assess their Damages by Occation of the Defendants breach of his Assumsit aforesaid to fifteen pounds besides his Costs therefore tis considered by the Court that the Plantiffs recover against the Defendant their Damages aforesaid in form aforesaid assessed and their Costs by them in that behalf expended and the Defendant in Mercy &c”
24 Mar 1791
p. 179
“Henry Sites Plt
against In Case
William Biddle Def
This day came the parties by their attorneys and thereupon came a Jury to wit: William McDonald Joseph Wells Laban Records Frances McDermit John Stewart Thomas Kertin Elijah Reeves, James Edwards David Davis Jonathan Conrey, John Downing and Thomas Redman who being elected tried and Sworn the truth to Speak upon the Issue Joined on their Oaths do Say that the Defendant did not assume upon himself as in pleading he hath alledged therefore tis considered by the Court that the Plantiff take nothing by his bill but for his false clamour he in mercy &c and the defendant to go hence without day and recover against the Plantf his costs in this behalf expended”
p. 181
“Thomas Boone who for himself
as well as the Commwth prosecuted Plt
against By Information for retailing liquors without License
Matthus Campbell Deft
This day came the parties by their attorneys and thereupon came a Jury to wit Simon Kenton John Wilson David Davis Wm McDonald Elijah Reeves William Biddle Daniel Mofford Joseph Wells William Chenowith Andw Thorpe Matthew Rust and Thomas Kertin who being elected tried and Sworn the truth to Speak upon the Issue Joined on their Oathes do Say that the Plantiff is guilty of the offences Set forth in the Information and do assess his fine to Eleven pounds five Shillings therefore tis considered by the Court that the Plantiff who for himself as well as the Commonwealth prosecutes recover against the Defendant his damages aforesaid One moiety of which to be to his own use the rest for the use of the Commonwealth for the better Support of the Government in form aforesaid assessed and also that the Plantiff recover against him his costs by him in this behalf expended and the said Defendant in mercy &c.”
23 Aug 1791
p. 233
“The Commonwealth
against By Indictment for Assault and Battery on the body of Wm Rhodes
Absolom Tenason Def
This day came as well the deputy attorney for the Commonwealth as the Defendant by his attorney and thereupon came also a Jury to wit Abraham Drake Isaac Drake, John Lewis Alexander Bruce, Abner Overfield Samuel Smith Alexander Walker, Joseph Wells Michael Kassady Richard Woods Tunis Bennit and Elijah Reeves who being elected tried and Sworn the truth to Speak upon the Issue Joined on their Oathes do Say that the Defendant is Guilty in Manner and form as is Specifyed in the Indictment and they do Assess his fine by reason thereof to Five pounds therefore tis considered by the Court that the Defendant forfeit and pay to the use of the Commonwealth towards the better Support of Government the ___ aforesaid in form aforesaid assessed and the Costs of this Indictment and the Defendant may be taken &c”
22 Nov 1791
p. 264
“Elijah Reeves complainant
against In Chancery
John Williams defendant
This suit is agreed upon the Plantiffs paying all Costs except the Defendants attorney fee”
FHL Film #0281832, part 2
Continuation of Mason Co KY Order Book A, 1789-1794
25 Mar 1794
p. 478, “Indenture of Bargain & Sale from Lewis Craig & Elizabeth his wife to Elijah Reeves was Acknowledged by said Lewis & Elizabeth She being first privately Examined & thereto concenting and Ordered to be recorded.”
27 May 1794
p. 495, “Ordered that Michael Cassidy Elijah Reeves Saml Wilson & Wm Summers or any three of them being first Sworn do View a way proposed for a Road from Keiths Mill to Mays Lick & make report of the conveniences & inconveniences attending opening the same.”
Transcribed by Lois Downey.