Deed - Reeve et al to Jesse Reeve
Prince William County, Virginia
Deeds 1796-1799, pp. 162-164
28 Nov 1790
This indenture made this twenty eight day of November Seventeen hundred and ninety Between William Reeve and Netty his Wife in the County of Abbervaille and State of South Carolina and Edward Jones and Jane his Wife in County of Prince William of one part and Jesse Reeve of County of Prince William of other part; Witnesseth that for sum of Forty pounds Virga. currency paid to Wm. Reeve and Edward Jones and Jane his Wife by these presents do bargain sell and confirm unto Jesse Reeve his heirs all that tract of land lying in County of Prince William and Fauquier; Begining at two Ashes standing near a Branch thence South one hundred and two poles to two box Oaks one of which grows on the Root of the other; thence South fifty two East seventy four poles to a red & white Oak in George Heals line, thence North thirty degrees East sixty eight pole near a Hickory in George Heals line, thence North forth five & a half West one hundred and twenty seven pole to the begining, containing Forty five acres be the said more or less by estimation being part of a track of land bought by George Reeve deced., of the Exectrs. of Charles Carter Esqr., decest., and by George Reeve deceasd. left to his Widow, Jane Reeve, during her life or widowhood, and at her death or marriage to his Son, the above mentioned Wm. Reeve in his Last Will and Testament; And all houses orchards profitts and apurtenances belonging; To have and to hold the lands unto Jesse Reeve his heirs; And further Wm. Reeve and Netty his Wife, Edward Jones & Jane his Wife do by these presents for themselves their heirs warrant defend and guarantee the premises hereby granted unto Jesse Reeve and his heirs against all claims; In Witness whereof we the said William Reeve and Edward Jones and Jane his Wife have hereunto set each of our hands and fixed our seals the day and year above writtenTranscription furnished by TRP's Anne McDonald