1792 Survey for Thomas Reeves
Woodford County, Kentucky
Survey Book 1790-1812, p. 54
8 Nov 1792
November 8th 1792Surveyed for Thomas Reeves 225 Acres of Land by Virtue of part of a Preemption Warrant Situate in the County of Woodford adjoining a Survey of the Residue of Said Warrant Beginning at a Hickory and Mulberry Corner thereto and running thence with the Same S 20 W 400 poles to, B, two White Oaks another Corner of Said Survey thence N 70 W 180 poles to, C, a Buckeye and two Hickories, thence N 49 East 440 poles to the Beginning
John Hamilton } CC Rich.d Fox D.S.
Ehillis Wilhite }
Thomas Reeves Pilot and Marker
Ex.d Wm. Steele S.W.C.
Notation: Delivered to James Reeves