1793 Deed - Samuel Reeves to Josiah Stovall

1793 Deed - Samuel Reeves to Josiah Stovall

Deed – Samuel Reeves to Josiah Stovall

Wilkes County, Georgia
DB NN p135-137
9 Feb 1793


This Indenture made this ninth day of Feby. In the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety three and in the Eighteenth year of our Independence Between Samuel Reeves of the County of Abbville (sic) and South Carolina of the one part and Josiah Stovall Senr. Of the County of Wilkes and State of Georgia of the other Part Witnesseth that I have for and inconsideration of the sum of thirty pounds Sterling in hand paid by the said Josiah Stovall to the said Saml Reeves the Receipt whereof I do hereby Acknowledge have bargained sold and Delivered and by these Presents do bargain sell & Deliver unto the said Josiah Stovall Senr. All that Plantation Tract or parcel of Land containing fifteen acres more or Less situate in the fork of Richland Creek a fork of Soap creek in the County of Wilkes and State of Georgia Bounded as follows Beginning on a Black Jack in William Moseleys line Thence along said line to a Black in John Guices (?) line Thence along the said line to a Post Oak corner Thence along a line of Mark’d Trees to a Hickory in James Yorks line Thence along a line of Marked Trees to the Creek Thence Down the said Creek to a Sassafrass Stump on the Bank of sd. Creek Thence to the Beginning and also all Houses out Houses ways Waters water courses Woods and Appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise Appertaining thereto, and I the said Saml Reeves do hereby Oblige myself my Heirs and Assigns to Warrant and forever defend the above Tract or parcel of Land against the Claim or Claims Title or Demands of all persons whatsoever unto the said Josiah Stovall Senr. His Heirs and Assigns forever In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day & year first above Written
Sign’d Seal’d & Delivered   }
In presence of                       }                                                   Samuel Reeves (Seal)
John Middleton
Nowel Walton
Thos Lee

Received Feby 9th AD 1793 of Josiah Stovall the within consideration thirty pounds in full for the within mentioned Land
Recd for me                                                                               Samuel Reeves
John Middleton
Nowel Walton

Georgia                   }       This day personally appeared
Wilkes County       }       before me Thos. Murray Justice of the peace for
Said County John Middleton and being duly Sworn saith that he saw Samuel Reeves sign seal & Deliver the within Deed to Josiah Stovall to be his act & Deed Certified this first day of May 1793                       Thos. Murray JP
                                            Registered the 12th Novr. 1795


Wilkes County GA DB NN p135-137, online scanned deed book at Family Search

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Saturday 25 of November, 2017 17:26:53 CST by Beverly.