1793 Deed - Frederick Rives to Alexander Rives
Franklin County, VirginiaDeed Book 3, p65
1 Nov 1793
This Indenture made and concludd this first day of November one thousand seven hundred & ninety three Between Frederick Rives of the County of Franklin of the one part and Alexander Rives of the said County of the other part as Witnesseth that for & in consideration of the sum of four hundred pounds Good & Lawfull money of Virginia to the said Frederick Rives in hand paid by the said Alexander Rives at or before the sealing & delivering of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and thereof doth release acquit and discharge the said Alexander Rives his Heirs Executors & Administrators by these presents he said Frederick Rives hath granted bargained sold and alend release & confirmed and by these presents doth grant Bargain sell aline release & confirm unto said Alexander Rives in his actual possession now being and his Heirs one certain tract of land in the said County of Franklin & on the south side of Pigg River being the land the said Rives now lives on containing by Estimation four hundred acres by the same or less bounded as followeth viz, Beginning on John Cooks line on the south side of Pigg River below the mouth of mountain Creek thence along his line to Pointers thence new line partly No East to Pointers on Reuben Brown line thence along the said Brouns line to his corner Chanel thence north to the line stone road cornering Pinters thence up the sd Road cornering on a post oak thence partly west to the head of a branch thence down the said branch to River thence up the said River as meanders to the beginning with all Houses building orchards ways waters & water corses profits commodities heredetaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said premises hereby granted or part thereof belonging or in any wise appurtaining and the reversion & Revertions remainder & remainders ishshues & prophets thereof & also all estate right title interest use tracts property claim claims & demand whatsoever of him the said Frederick Rives of in & to the said premises & all deeds evidences & writing touching in any iwse concerning the same to have & to hod the sd four hundred acres of land and all & singular other premises hereby granted & released and every part & confirmd thereof granted & released thereof unto the said premises. Sign Sealed & delivered unto the same premises given under my hand this 2nd day of November One thousand seven hundred & ninety three Sign Seald in presents ofJohn FergusonFredk Rives (Seal)
Francis Hall
Reubin S Brown
John (his mark) Kecn
Franklin Dec Court 1793 This Indenture was acknowledged by the within named Frederick Rives to be his act & Deed & the same was ordered to be recorded by the court.
Test James Callaway Clk