William Steel Reeves Family Bible
Received from Eppie Edsall Barrier, 2108 Broadway, Luddock, Texas 7940130 Mar 1970
William Steel Reeves and Nancy Reeves Married the 26th day of October 1816
Betsy Caroline Reeves daughter of W. S. Reeves was Married on the 10 day of June 1838 to William Bean
John P. Reeves and Sally Finley was married the 15th of October 1840
George Robertson Reeves and Jane Moore was married October 31st 1844
Robert Obarr and Mahaly Rops was married the 15th of October 1846
George W. McGlothlin and Darinda S. Reeves were married the 7th day of August A. D. 1835
Welsely W. Bradly and Nancy Tennessee Reeves were Married the 30th day of August 1854
Joseph A. Baird and Matilda Jane was Married the 19th of June 1856
Lewis Totty Reeves and Eliza Reeves was Married on the 5th day of December 1856
William Steel Reeves was born in the year of our lord 1794 on the 9th day of March
Nancy Reeves was born the 7th day of February in the year of our lord 1799
Betsy Caroline Reeves the daughter of Nancy Reeves was born the 11th of September 1817
John Peterson Reeves was born 11th September in the year of our lord 1819
Maryann Reeves was born the 5th of February in the year of our lord 1822
Robert Obarr Reeves was born February 3rd 1824
George Robertson Reeves was born 3rd January in the year of our lord 1826
Thomas McNairy Reeves was born the 9th of November in the year of our lord 1827
William Jasper Reeves was born the 25th day of January in the year of our lord 1830
Dorinda Sandal Reeves was born July 17th 1832
Lewis Totty Reeves was born the 21 day of July in the year of our lord 1834
Matilda Jane born the 7th of October in the year of our lord 1836
Nancy Tennessee Reeves was born in the year of our lord 7th day of February
Tilitha Ann Reeves was born in the year of our lord 28th of November 1841
"Births of George R Reeves Children"
Thomas Moore Reeves Son of George R and Jane Reeves was born September 27th A.D. 1845
Nancy Reeves was born March 1st 1848
Mary Tilitha Reeves was born October 28th A. D. 1849
Eliza J. Reeves was born November 9th 1850