1794 Administration and Inventory - Ruth Rieves
Cape May County, New JerseyWill Records 610E
Know all men by these presents, that we Andrew Higgins and Aaron Eldridge both of the County of Cape May and State of New Jersey yeoman...The Condition of this above obligation is such that if the above bound Andrew Higgins Administrator of all and singular the Goods, Chattles and Credits of Ruth Rieves late of the County of Cape May...
Andrew Higgins, the administrator within named, being duly sworn on the Holy Avangelists of Almighty God did depose and say that Ruth Rieves within named, died without a will, as far as he knows and as he verily believes...
Sworn at Cape May the 7th Day of April 1794
Abijah Rieves...1 | 17 | 10
Taken and appraised the 12th day of April Anno Domini 1794 by Robert Parsons Aaron Eldridge