1795 Deed - Timothy Reeves to Jesse Brown
South Carolina Anderson County Mesne Conveyances
Volume G
pp. 16-17
This Indenture on the Eighteenth Day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand Severn hundred and ninety five between Timothy Reeves of the State of South Carolina and Pendleton County of the one part and Jesse Brown of the state & county aforesaid Witness that the said Timothy Reeves for and in consideration of the sum of twenty two pounds Sterling the Receipt whereof is hereby Acknowledged have granted bargained & sold & confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain sell Release and confirm unto the said Jesse Brown his heirs and assigns forever all that tract of land lying and being the State of South Carolina and Pendleton County on the waters of Generosstee Creek containing one hundred acres it being part of tract of 282 originally Granted to David Clark and him legally conveyed to Benjamin Remy (Reny/Rainey) and said Remy to Timothy Reeves to Jesse Brown by legal conveyances bounded on the west by lands held by James Long on the south by lands held by Alexander McMillin on the east by lands held by Elisha Garlant (Garland) and James Long the same to include the granted part of the improvement that Elisha Garlant formerly lives at together with all that does or may in any manner whatsoever thereunto appertain and I the said Timothy Reeves my heirs Executors administrators and assigns to warrant and forever defend the aforesaid land and premises unto the said Jesse Brown his heirs and assigns from all manner of person persons as a Clear and indefeasible Estate in fee simple in Witness Whereof Hereunto set my hand and Seal this Day and year first above written.
Timothy Reeves
Sealed and delivered in the presents of James Clayton Burrell Reeves Richard Hany.
South Carolina
Pendleton District
Personally came Richard Haney before me Sworn Saith that he saw Timothy Reeves Sign and as his act and deed deliver the written Deed to Jesse Brown and that he saw James Clayton and Burrell Reeves subscribe as witnesses to the same Sworn and Subscribed this 15th Day of January 1802.
Peter Keys
Recorded 8th March 1802