Montgomery Co., VA 1796 Grant - George Reeves (200 A)

1796 Grant (200 Acres) - George Reeves

Grant - George Reeves

Montgomery County, Virginia
VA Land Office Grant No. 35, pg. 237
200 Acres
18 May 1796

ROBERT BROOKE Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia to all to whom these presents shall come Greeting, Know Ye that by virtue of a Land Office treasury warrant - Number Ten thousand one hundred and fourteen, issued the twenty first day of December one thousand seven hundred and eighty one There is granted by the said Commonwealth unto George Reeves Assignee of John Burton, a certain tract or parcel of Land Containing two hundred Acres by survey bearing date the twenty ninth day of May, One thousand Seven hundred and eighty three, Lying and being in the County of Montgomery on the waters of New River, and is bounded is bounded (sic) as followeth to Wit Beginning at two large Spanish oak trees on the top of a high Ridge North forty degrees West one hundred and Sixteen poles to a white oak tree North twenty degrees East thirty two poles crossing a branch to a white oak tree, South eighty two degrees West one hundred and fourteen poles to two white oak Saplings South forty degrees West one hundred and Sixty poles to two white oaks, South Sixty eight degrees East one hundred and Ninety to a Black oak tree, and North forty nine degrees East one hundred and forty poles to the beginning with its appurtenances to have and to hold the Said tract or parcel of Land with its Appurtenances to the Said George Reeves and his Heirs forever In Witness whereof the said Robert Brooke Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia hath hereunto Set his Hand and caused the lesser seal of the Said Commonwealth to be Affixed at Richmond on the Eighteenth day of May In the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Ninety Six and of the Commonwealth the Twentieth.

Robert Brooke

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Page last modified on Thursday 23 of December, 2010 11:14:53 CST by Beverly.