1796 Will - Joshua Reeves

1796 Will - Joshua Reeves

1796 Will - Joshua Reeves


Onondaga County, New York
Will Book A, p9
Dated: 27 Aug 1796
Proved: 12 Oct 1797


In the name of God, Amen. I Joshua Reves of the State of New York, County of Onondaga and Township of Romulus being in a low weak state of body, but perfect memory (Blessed be god therefor) calling to mind my last end; do this twenty seventh day of August one thousand seven hundred and ninety six, make this my last will and testament in manner and form following; that is to say;
Imprimis I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God, who gave it me; and my body to the Earth from whence it came in hopes of a joyful resurrection thro the Lord Jesus Christ. And as for that worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me, I dispose thereof as follows:
First I give and bequeath to my son Joshua the sum of ten pounds.
I give to my daughter Lydia the sum of ten pounds.
I give to my son Howel one hundred acres of land on Lot No 74.
I give to my beloved wife Abigail the place I now live on untill my son James arrives at the age of twenty one years, then to become his property forever, but his mother to have her thirds during her natural life.
I give to wife Abigail one riding mare and two cows.
I give to my daughter Kitsy two cows, and six sheep, and my wife Abgail to have the remaining part of the sheep.
Item, I put into the hands of my wife Abigal one yoke of oxen for my son James, to be delivered to him when he arrives at age. I give to wife the remaining part of my horned cattle.
I give to my son James one horse colt. And I direct the young horse to be sold to pay the above mentioned legacies,
I give to wife Abigal one feather bed, and one feather bed to my daughter Kitsy.
I give to my wife all the kitchen furniture and other household articles.
I give to my son Howel one half of the appletree nursery, and the other half to be reserved to plant on the place I now live on.
I give to my son Howel a piece of cloth for a coat.
I do hereby name, ???, constitute and ordain my beloved wife Abigail my sole executrix of this my will in witness whereof I the said Joshua Reves have set my hand and seal to this my last will testament the day and year above written.
Joshua Reeves (LS)

John Fleming }
Fran Abright }
P T Bambridge }

Onondaga County SS Be it Remembered that on the twenty sixth day of September in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven personally came and appeared before me Thomas Mumford Surrogate of said County, John Fleming of Romulus in said County, Farmer and being duly sworn on his oath did Declare that he saw Joshua Reeves sign and seal an instrument in writing purporting to be the Will of the said Joshua Reeves, bearing Date the twenty seventh day of August in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety six, the preceding whereof is a true copy and heard him publish and declare the same as and for his last will and testament, that at the time thereof the said Joshua Reeves was of sound disposing mind and memory to the best of the knowledge and belief of him the Deponent, that his name subscribed as a witness to the said will is of his own proper hand writing which he subscribed as a witness thereto in the presence of the testator and that he saw Francis Albright and Peter Bainbridge the other witnesses to the said sill subscribe their names as witnesses thereto in the Testator's presence.
Thos Mumford

Surrogate's Office }
Onondaga County }
12th October 1797
Letters Testamentary on the will of Joshua Reeves, Deceased, with a copy of the said will annexed, (of which the foregoing are true copies) were this day issued to Abigail Reeves, executrix in the said will named, she being first duly sworn faithfully to discharge the duty of executrix to the said will - the said Letters Testamentary with the said will were duly recorded in this office the Day and Year above written.
Thos Mumford Surrogate


FamilySearch - Onondaga County, New York Will Book A, p9