1797 Deed - Alexander Rives to Frederick Rives
Franklin County, VirginiaDeed Book 3, p502
26 Oct 1797
This Indenture made this twenty sixth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven Between Alexander Rives of the County of Franklin of one part and Frederick Rives of the said County the other part; Witnesseth that whereas the said Alexander Rives for the sum of three hundred pounds in hand paid the receipt whereof Witnesseth doth grant Bargain sell infeoff and confirm unto the said Frederick Rives a certain track of land, lying in the County of Franklin on the south side of Pigg River and Bounded as followeth viz., Beginning at John Cooks line on the south side of Pigg river, below the mouth of mountain creek, thence along Cooks line to Pointers thence a new line, partly north east to Pounters on Reuben Browns line, thence along the said Browns line to his corner chesnut, thence north to the limestone Road cornering on Pointers thence up the said Road cornering on a post oak thence partly west to the head of a Branch, thence down the said Branch to the River thence up the said River as it meanders to the Beginning containing by estimation four hundred acres be the same more or less to have and to hold the above mentioned land with every improvement, right or advantage thereunto arising as witness my hand and seal the day and date above mentioned.Francis Crutchen }Alexander Rives LS
Saml Haveston }
Wm Turnbull }
Henry Tate }
Franklin December Court 1797 the within Indenture was acknowledged by the within named Alexander Rives to be his Act and Deed and the same was ordered to be Recorded by the Court
James Callaway CCC