1799 Deed - William Ferguson to William Reeves
Lancaster County SC
28 December 1799
Deed Book F p16
This Indenture made this twenty Eighth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Ninety Nine and in the 23rd year of american Independance between William Ferguson of the state of South Carolina Fairfield County of the one part and William Rives State aforesaid Lancaster County of the other part witnesseth that he the said William Ferguson for and in consideration of the sum of twenty five pounds sterling money to him in hand paid by the said William Rives on or before the delivery of these presents, he doth acknowledge to be contented and satisfied, have granted and by these presents do grant unto Wm Rives his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of Land situate lying and being in Lancaster County it being an original Grant made to sd. Ferguson by his Excellency Charles Pinkney Eqr. Governor and commander in chief in sd. State and hath such marks and bounds as followeth, Viz. beginning at a black oak on William Wards line thence running south 75 W 33 chain to a stake thence S 60 W 22 to a black oak thence N 45 W 48.50 to a pine by Baskinses? Land thence N 45 E 4.50 to a red oak thence S 45 E 31.62 to a post oak thence N 790 E 4 to a pine thence S 62 E 36.50 on Barnards Land to the first mentioned bound Containing one hundred and twenty three acres more or less with all and every convenience appurtaining thereunto, to have and to hold the said Land and premesis with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said Wm Rives his heirs & assigns forever which sd Land I do warrant and defend from the claim of myself heirs or assigns & from the claim of every other person whatsoever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Day and year above written
Signed Sealed & Delivered in presents of
William Ferguson Junr.
David Williams William Ferguson (Seal)
Moses Barnard
Recd. of William Rives in full of the written mentioned sum this 28th of December 1799 I say Received by me
Wm Ferguson Jr. William Ferguson
David Williams
South Carolina }
Lancaster District }
Memorandum that on the thirty first day of March one thousand eight hundred Wm Ferguson one of the subscribing witnesses and made oath according to Law and saith the he was present and see the within named Wm Ferguson sign seal and Deliver the written Deed to the within named Wm Rives for the use and purpose within mentioned and also and see the other witness subscribe his name as a witness with him as a witness to the said Deed sworn to and assigned the day and year above written before me
Andrew Baskin William Ferguson