Deed - Jesse Reeve & Nancy to Carr Bailey
Prince William County, Virginia
Deed Book 4 p. 6-7
6 Jan 1800
THIS INDENTURE made the 6th day of January in the year of our Lord God One thousand eight hundred between Jesse Reeve of the County of Prince William and Colony of Virginia and Nancy his wife of the one part and Carr Bailey of the aforesaid County and Colony of the other part Witnesseth that the said Jesse Reeve and Nancy his wife for & in consideration of the sum of three hundred and five pounds Current money to him in hand paid by the said Carr Bailey the receipt whereof the said Jesse Reeve doth hereby acknowledge, he the said Jesse Reeve hath granted bargain’d & sold aliened & confirmed & by these presence doth grant bargain & sell alien & confirm unto the said Carr Bailey his heirs & assigns for ever all that tract or parcel of land situate lying & being in the County of Prince William whereon the said Jesse Reeve now lives and is bounded as followeth Viz.t Beginning at a stone Corner on Burwells road near the Cat Tail Branch S 80 W 34-1/4 poles to two white oaks thence N 84 W 34 poles to a stone Corner thence N 47 W21 poles to a persimmon, thence N 51 W 32 poles to a Stone corner in Suttle’s line thence N 45 W 62 poles to a white oak marked W. S. thence N 33 E 194 poles to a hickory & two oaks on Burwell’s road, thence down the said road to the Beginning containing One hundred & thirty three acres be the same more or less Together with all trees woods underwoods profits commodities hereditaments ways waters & appurtenances whatsoever to the said land above mentioned belonging or in any wise appertaining, Also the reversion & reversions remainder & remainders Rents issues & profits of the said land & premises & every part & parcel thereof And all the estate right title interest claim & demand whatsoever of him the sd. Jesse Reeve & Nancy his wife of in & to the said premises with the appurtenances & every part & parcel thereof To have and to hold the said messuage or tenement & all & singular the premises above mentioned & every part & parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto the said Carr Bailey his heirs & assigns to the only proper use & behoof of the said Carr Bailey his heirs & assigns for ever, And the said Jesse Reeve and Nancy his wife for him & his heirs the said messuage or Tenement & premises & every part & parcel thereof against him and his heirs & all other persons whatsoever to the said Carr Bailey his heirs & assigns shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. And the Said Jesse Reeve doth further promise & oblige himself and his heirs that at any time hereof that at the reasonable request & costs of him the said Carr Bailey his heirs and assigns that he will make any such deed or deeds for the more fully conveying the said land and premises as the said Carr Bailey his heirs & assigns or his or their counsel learned in the law shall advise or reasonably require. In witness whereof the said Jesse Reeve & Nancy his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.Signed sealed & delivered } Jesse Reeve (Seal)
In presence of } Nancy Reeve (Seal)
Received the day of the date of the within Indenture }
The sum of three hundred and five pounds Current } £ 305
Money of Virg.a being the consideration therein mentioned }
Witnesses I say Received by me Jesse Reeve
At a Court held for Prince Wm. County the 6th day of January 1800
This deed and receipt endorsed from Jesse Reeve et ux to Carr Bailey (the
same being first privily examined and thereto consenting) was acknowledged by the said Reeve to be his act and deed and ordered to be recorded.
John Williams ClCur