Mason Co., KY - 1800 Deed, Dicks to Samuel Reeves & Doniphan

1800 Deed - Dicks to Samuel Reeves & Doniphan

Deed - Dicks to Samuel Reves & Anderson Doniphan

Mason County, Kentucky
Deed Book C, p. 85-86
25 Jan 1800
FHL Film #0281784, Part 1

THIS INDENTURE made this twenty fifth day of January in the year of our Lord Christ One thousand eight hundred Between John Dicks Sr and Mary his wife of the County of Mason and Commonwealth of Kentucky of the one part and Samuel Reves and Anderson Doniphan of the aforesaid County and State of the other part Witnesseth that the said John Dicks and Mary his wife for and in consideration of the sum of five Dollars to them in hand paid the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge have given granted, and sold and by these presents do give grant and sell to the said Samuel Reves and Anderson Doniphan jointly and to their heirs and assigns a certain tract or prcle (sic parcel) of land containing one half acres lying and being in the afforesaid County and State and being a part of the said tract on which the said John Dicks now lives and joining an out lott of German town which Peter Hastings now occupys and bounded as followeth (to wit) Beginning at a stake in the north line of the said Hastings lott, and running thence with the said Hastings line East sixteen poles Thence North five poles Thence West sixteen poles to a State thence South five poles to the beginning - To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land, with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining to their only proper use and behoof of them the said Samuel Reves and Anderson Doniphan and their heirs forever and the said John Dicks and Mary his wife for themselves and their heirs The said Tract or parcel land with the appurtunances (sic) to the said Samuel Reves and Anderson Doniphan their heirs and Assigns against the claim or claims of them and their heirs and all and every person or persons whatsoever claim or to claim from through by or under them the said John Dicks and Mary his wife and all and every other person and persons Shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. In Witness whereof we the Said (John) Dicks and Mary his wife hereunto set our hands and seals the day and year first above written. Intelined before signed with the word their.
Sealed and Acknowledged       }
In presence of                                }                                     John (his M mark) Dicks (Seal)
John Morford                                                                       Mary (her D mark) Dicks (Seal)
Solomon Wells
Peter Heastings
Aaron Wells

The Commonwealth of Kentucky Mason County
This day came before us two of the Justices of the peas (sic peace) for said County Mary Dix and Delinkishsed (sic relinquished) all her right of Dowry of said land within mentioned. Given under our hands this 23 day of June 1800.
                                                                        Wm. Lamb
                                                                        Aaron Stratton

State of Kentucky Washington District Sct
I John Chambers Deputy Clerk of the Washington District Court do Certify that this Indenture from John Dicks and wife to Samuel Reeves and Anderson Doniphan was this day produced before me acknowledge by the said John Dicks a party thereto and is together with the certificate of Wm. Lamb & Aaron Straton thereon endorsed duly recorded in the office of the said Court.
              Given under my hand this 23rd. day of June 1800.

                                                                        John Chambers

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Saturday 23 of February, 2013 13:36:58 CST by Beverly.