1801 - Deed from to Adam Reaves to Lovett Reaves
Wayne County, North Carolina
Record of Deeds
Book 7
1799 - 1804
No. 429
Know all men by these present that I Adam Reaves planter of province of North Carolina and County of Wayne Send greetings Know ye that I Adam Reaves for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty Pounds Current Money to me in hand paid by Lovett Reaves of the province and County aforesaid before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and confess that I am therewith fully satisfied contented and paid and for the same consideration have given granted sold assigned and delivered unto the said Lovett Reaves his Heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land Situate lying and being in the County aforesaid Beginning at a post oak near the head of the Maple Branch on from William Reaves Sr. line runs an East course to a black Oak on John Reaves's line then with Said line South Seventy Six West Eighty poles to a black Oak said Reaves's corner then with his line No. Seventy West Twenty two poles to a black Oak sd Reaves corner therewith his line South Sixty four West forty two poles to a pine sd Reaves Corner then with this line West forty two pole to a post Oak at the side of the Road then up the Road to the path Adam Reaves and John Reaves moved along when they swapped lands a (unreadable) line to the beginning Containing Seventy acres be it the Same more or lest It being part of a Patent granted to Adam Reaves in the year of our Lord 1794 together with all woods and furthermore I the said Adam Reaves do covenant and agree to and with the sd Lovett Reaves that the above bargained premises is shure free and clear from all manner of Incumberances whatsoever and that the said L Reaves shall and may forever after the date hereof have hold use Sell give grant or dispose of the same as he his heirs shall see cause only for him or them to (unreadable) pay all the taxes that Shall become due on the land and I Adam Reaves will warrant and forever defend this sd land to the sd L Reaves his heirs and assigns from myself my heirs Executor admin'tor & assigns and from the just claim or claims of any person or persons whatever in Witness whereof the Adam Reaves have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 17th day of February 1801
Adam Reaves
Signed Sealed presents of
A. Fulghum
Samuel Flowers
Nov'r Ct 1802