Davidson County TN - 1802 Petition for a New County

1802 Petition for a New County

Petition for a New County

The following was taken from a typed transcription on file at Metro Archives. A note states that the original is on file at the Tennessee State Library and Archives. Metro Archives does not have the original document and cannot provide a copy. The petition was apparently not granted.


Mero District
December 18th 1802

We the people living on or near the Big Harpeth River means to present to the next General Assembly held for the state of Tennessee a petition for a new County to beLaid off in the following manner viz -
Beginning at the mouth of Little Harpeth where the Williamson County Line crosses, thence with said line a south west course to the Indian boundary line, thence Down the said line until it compleats a constitutional bounds. Thence a North East course unto Cumberland River, thence up the said River with its meanders to the Ridge that divides Indian creek and Overall's Creek, thence up said Ridge continuing its course by Flatt Creek and Ritchland Creek to a constitutional bounds, thence a westwardly course to the beginning.


John Alexander
William Alexander
Isaac Baker
James Baldwin
Abner Beckoom
Phil Beckoom
Simon Bekcom
William Blyth
Drury Bonds
George Boyd
Saml Boyd
Samuel Bratcher
Allen Brewer
___ Buckalew
John Cash
William Cash
Hen Champen
Baptis Coal
John Colley
Andrew Colwell
Joseph Colwell
William Colwell
William Connel
Henry Cooper
John Cooper
John Cornelius
Roll Cornelius
Alexander Craige
James Cranshaw
Joseph Cranshaw
Samuel Cranshaw
Aron Cunningham
David Cunningham
Mathew Cunningham
John Davy
Abraham Demoss
Jas. Demoss
John Demoss
Lewis Demoss
Thomas Demoss
Wm. Demoss
Silas Dillahunt
Enoch Dosha
William Doshet
Ezekial Douglass
James Douglass
John Douglass
Craneshaw Duke
Robert Dunn
Thomas Duren
Isaac Edwards
William Evans
James Fudge
John Fudge
Samuel Fielding
Wm. Fielding
Jesse Garland
George Gill
Thomas Gillom
Daniel Gooden
John Gooden
William Gower
John Graham
Deliverance Gray
Micajah McQuary Jnr
Greenbury Greer
John Gregory
George Hall
Nichlas Hall
Joseph Hannah
Francis Hardgrove
Giles Harding
Thos. Harding
William Harding
John Harwood
Wm. Harwood
William Hearn
Aruther Hickling
Hugh Hicklin
William Holland
Church Hooper
James Hooper
Jesse Hooper
Thomas Hooper
Henry Horton
Thomas Howse
Thomas Hubbs
Neadham Hunter
John Hutcheson
Joseph Hutcheson
Charles Hutton
Harry Inman
Layes Inman
John Jones
Jas. Jones
William Jones
John Johnson
Samuel Johnson
William Johston
Daniel Joslin Jnr
Daniel Joslin Senr
Gabriel Joslin
Samuel Joslin
Thomas Joslin
William Joslin
William Kellum
Charles Kelly
John Lake
Thomas Lambert
Abraham Land
Joseph Land
Wm. Terrel Lewis
Daniel Lile
Leonard Lile
Thomas Lile
Thomas Little
Thomas Loften
George Lorner
James Marler
Thomas Marler
William Marler
Joab Moore
William Moore
John Morrice
Micajah McQuary
John Moores
Pleasant McQuary
John Neal
Joseph Neely
Isaac Newland
Eldridge Newsom
William Newsom
Elisha Nicholson
William Nicholson
John Nixson
Travis Nixson
Benjamin Pack
Daniel Pain
Larkin Parkes
Andrew Patterson
Thomas Pewitt
Richard Phipps
William Powels
Thomas Pritchet
John Redden
David Ren
George Reeves
Drury Reeves
James Reeves
Jordon Reeves
Jordon Reeves Jnr
Elisha Rhodes
Ebenezer Rice
Rowland Rice
Solomon Roach
James Robertson
Joseph Rosborough
James Russell
Wm. Russell
Robert Shannon
Jas D. Sharp
Joseph Shay
Josiah Ship
Charles Simmons
Thomas Smart
Charles Steward
George Stout
Thomas Stewart
Nathaniel Teel
Allen Thompson
Christopher Williams
Neal Thompson
William Thompson
Isaac Tillman
Charles Tolbert
Anthony Walk
Philip Walk
Charley Wall
Wm. Wall
John Ward
Robt. Warren
Thomas Warren
Arch Watson
Ned Watson