Estate of Hardy Reeves
York County, South Carolina
Case Nbr. 62, File #2837
Estate Records Book B, Pg 339
Novbr 19th 1803 Appointed Wiley Reeves & William Reeves Adminstrators to the Estate of Hardy Reeves they having previously entered into Bond of one Thousand Dollars with Thomas Roach and William Reeves Securities for his well and truly administering the same Before
Alexr Moore Ordnry
Estate Records Book B, Pg 340
We the under named Subscribers after being duly Sworn have Viewed and appraised and made the following Inventory of the Goods & Chattels of Hardy Reeves Deceasd.
Viz -
1 Bay Horse 1 Brown Horse 50 Dol. - 1 Bay Colt 50 Dol 1 Bay Colt 50 Dol 0 1 Cow & Calf 14 Dol 24 Hogs 26 Dol 200 Bushels Corn 100 Dols 2 Stacks of fodder Cotton supposed to be 1000 lb at 3 Dols per Hundred 1 Bar. Shear plow & tacktings (?) Oats 5.50 lot 1 ac 50c - 2 guns 7 Dols 1 Table & furniture 8.50 - 5 School Books 75 2 pots 1 oven & Hook 2.75 - 1 Saddle & Bridle 2 Chairs Barrel & Tray Cotton Wheel and Cards 2 Dols - 1 Chest 50c 2 Beds & Bedsteads Wearing Cloaths TOTAL |
$95.00 100.00 64.00 126.00 6.00 30.00 8.00 13.00 9.25 4.75 .50 2.50 25.00 5.00 $494.75 |
This 21st day of Novbr 1803
Thos. Roach
Wm Akins
Wm Little
Estate Records Book B, Pg 379
Wiley Reeves Settlement of the Estate of Hardy Reeves Deceasd for 1804 and Administration -
Amount of Estate as for Vandue Bill The price of a Quantity of Corn to be added Amount of Notes & Accounts TOTAL |
$362.85 35.00 $397.85 |
Sworn to before me April 10th 1804