Wake County, NC County Court Minutes, Book VI, 1804-1807
May Term 1804
Administration on the estate of Major Holloway decsd. granted to Sarah Holloway Widow &c who enters into bond in the sum of Three thousand pounds with William Ferrell and John Reves her Security and at the same time qualifie_ agreeably to Law.
June Term 1805
The last Will and Testament of Samuel Wright decsd. was exhibited in open Court for Probate and was duly proven by the Oaths of Sally Philips and Elisabeth Reves subscribing Witnesses thereto and Ordered to be registered (sic).
August Term 1810
Issd. Ordered that the following persons be appointed to attend our next Court of Pleas and quarter Sessions as Jurors (To Wit): Hardiman Dunn, Absalom Alston, Wm. Buffelow, John Amos Junr., Samuel Revis, Wm. Partin, James Shaw, Urias Collins, Alexander Myatt, Caswell Powell, Jefferson Farrar, Wm. Hutchins, Thomas Womble, Burwell Battle, Richard Putney, John Fowler, Hardy Jones, John Reeves, Cade Alford, Corbel Woodward, Philemon Sutherland, Levi Jones, James Nutt, John Olive, Henry Brown, Moses Hutchins, Acril Myatt, David Allen, John Stuart, and John Nichols.
Wake County, North Carolina County Court Minutes Book V, 1804 to 1807Transcribed and Published by Weynette Parks Haun