1804 - Deed from Jesse Reaves of Duplin County to Thomas Brown
Wayne County, North Carolina
Record of Deeds
Book 7
1799 - 1804
No. 600
North Carolina
This Indenture made this Twentieth day of February in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and four between Jesse Reaves of the County of Duplin of the one part planter and Thomas Brown of the County of Wayne of the other part Witnessneth that the said Jesse Reaves for and in consideration of the Sum of five Hundred Dollars have granted & Bargained Sold Conveyed confirmed assigned and Set over to the said Thomas Brown his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying and bing in the County of Wayne and State aforesaid on Brooks Swamp and bounded as follows viz Beginning at a pine near Hobbys(?) path and runs South 125 pole to a pine then East 255 pole to a pine then North 155 pole to William Lanes line then with his live West 18 pole to a pine his corner thence with said Lanes line North 140 pole to a Hickory (unreadable) thence West 88 pole to a red Oak thence South Stephen Reaves line So 26 Wt 195 pole to a post oak on agreed corner thence with his line So 70 Wt 68 pole to a pine in the bent of Brooks marsh thence (unreadable) the Meanders of said Marsh about 70 pole to the mouth of the hog pen branch then up the said Branch to the head thence So 3 Et 63 pole to a black jack thence to the Beginning Containing by estimation five hundred acres be the same more or less Together with the dwelling house out houses plantation garden and orchard woods and under woods ways (unreadable) water and water courses found or appertaining, To have and to hold to him the said Thomas Brown his Heirs and assigns forever and I the said Jesse Raves for myself my heirs Ex'rs and admr's covenant and agree to and with the said Thomas Brown his Heirs Exor's Admr's that at the time of Sealing and delivery of these Presents the said Jesse Reaves is the true sole & lawful owner of sd land and premises and have in himself good right full power and lawful authority to sell and convey the same in (unreadable) aforesaid and the said Thomas Brown shall and my from time to time at all times forever hearafter by free and virtue of these Presents lawfully peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy possess and enjoy all said singular the above granted and Bargained Premises with their and every of their appurtenances freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all & all manner of Incumberances whatever and I the said Jesse Reaves o hereby bind an oblige myself my heirs Exor's & admr's to Warrant and forever defend the Said land and Premises to him the said Thomas Brown his Heirs & assigns forever and from and against the Just and lawful claim or claims of all and every person or persons whatever claiming any right title Interest or property on the said land or any part or parcel thereof In Witness whereof I the said Jesse Reaves have hereunto set my hand & Seal the day and date first above written
Jesse Reaves
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of
B. Kornegay
Stephen Reaves
Feby Co 1804