1805 - Deed from Solomon Grantham to John Reaves
Wayne County, North Carolina
Record of Deeds
Book 10
1813 - 1818
Page 259
State North Carolina Wayne County This Indenture made the Twenty Sixth day of January one thousand Eight hundred & five between Solomon Grantham of the Sate & County aforesaid of the one part & John Reaves of the said County & State Witnesseth that he the Sd Solomon Grantham for & in Consideration of the Sum of five Dollars to me in hand paid by John Reaves the receipt Whereof I do acknowledge my self paid & Contented have given grated bargained Sold & delivered uno the sd John Reaves his heirs & assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land Situate lying & being in the aforesaid County of Wayne on the North side of the Horse Swamp & bounded as follows viz. Beginning at a white oak on the South side of the run of Sd Swamp & runs No to red oak & pine the So 61 Et to a water oak on the South Side of the run then up the run as it meanders to the Beginning white oak Containing five acres more or less to have and to hold the aforesaid premises with all appurtenances thereunto belonging and I do hereby warrant & forever will defend the sd land to the said John Reaves his heirs & assigns forever from me & my heirs forever In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my Seal this 26th Jany 1805 in presents of
Solomon Grantham
Ludham Grantham
Ludwick Grantham
State of No Carolina Wayne County Nov'r Term 1815 Then was the within deed proved in open Court by the oath of Ludwick Grantham & ordered to be registered.
Jno. McKinnie Clk