1806 Deed - Bigger et al to William Reeves, Jr.
York County, South Carolina
Deed Book G, No. 422
7 Oct 1806
Recorded 26 Mar 1811
Know all men by these presents that I Elizabeth Bigger, Steward Bigger, William Bigger and Martha Bigger widow heirs or legatees of James Biggers deceased --- and all of them jointly and Severally Bargained Sold and Conveyed unto William Reeves Both of the State of South Carolina and district of york for and in consideration of the sum of Four hundred dollars to us the legatees of James Biggers in hand paid before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt and payment is hereby acknowledge have bargained sold and conveyed unto foresd William Reeves Junior all that tract piece or parcel of land that the foresd James Biggers formerly lived on Situate lying and being in the State and District aforesaid on the South Side of Mill Creek, and west side of the Catawba River, and bounded as followeth Beginning at a white oak Joseph Biggers corner turning thence...being part of a tract of land Granted to Robert Leeper By Patent bearing date March the 28th 1755 and by Sundry conveyances to Joseph Biggers to the said James Biggers dec'd with all the appurtenances there unto belonging containing by Estimation One hundred acres more or less to the aforesd William Reeves Free and clear of all incumberances forever . . . . As witness my hands and seals the Seventh day of October 1806.
Delivered in presence of Betsy (X) Bigger
Anthony Kindrake Steward (X) Bigger
Samuel (X) Slate William (X) Bigger
Willis Reeves Martha (X) Bigger
(Note that in one place William is referred to as "junior" but not in two other places.)
South Carolina §
York District §
Wilis Reeves made oath before me that he was present and saw the within named Betsy Bigger, Stewart Bigger, William Bigger and Martha Bigger sign the written conveyance and as their act and deed deliver the same unto the within named William Reeves for the purchase within mentioned and that Anthony Kindrake and Samuel Slate were subscribing witnesses with himself to the same. Sworn to and subscribed before me.
March 26th 1811
Jno. Bates
Willis Reeves
Transcribed by Richard Reeves.