1807 Deed - Mabel Reeves et al to John Harris
Salem County, New JerseyDeed Book L, p83
18 Jun 1807
This Indenture made the eighteenth day of June in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seven between Mabel Reeves of the township of hopewell in the county of Cumberland in the state of new Jersey and Johnson Reeves of the same place and Zurvior his wife all of the one part and John Harris of the township of lower Alloways Creek in the county of Salem in the State aforesaid of the other part Whereas Thomas Parke by deed dated the eighteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty one did sell and convey unto Samuel Harris and James Johnson and to their heirs and assigns the one full equal undivided third part of a tract of land marsha which lay undivided with William Murdock and the administrators of John Mason situate in the great marsh between Jonathan Waddingtons and Delaware river in the county of salem the whole tract containing by common estimation 2400 acres be the same more or less it being part of the reversion of Henry Satters 10000 acres and the said James Johnson being so thereof seized of the one moiety or undivided half part thereof made his last will and testament in writing bearing date the - day of - Anno Domini 17- which is duly proved wherein he did among other things give and devise all reversion in satters tract of land & marsh in the township of lower alloways creek in the county of Salem to Mabel Reeve his daughter during her natural life & then to Lemuel and Johnson Reeves her sons the said Lemuel Reed has been deceased upward of twenty years Johnson Reeves therefore is at present the only heir at law reference to said deed and will being had will more fully and at large appearNow this indenture witnesseth that the said Mabel Reeves Johnson Reeves and Zuruior his wife for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and six dollars and eighty cents lawfull money of new jersey to them in hand paid by the said John Harris at or before the ensealing and delivery hereof the receipt and payments thereof the said Mabel Reeves and Johnson Reeves and his wife doth hereby acknowledge and thereof doth acquit and discharge the said John Harris his heirs executors administrators and assigns forever by these presents have granted bargained sold released enfeoffed conveyed and confirmed and by these presents do and each of them doth grant bargain sell release enfeoff convey and confirm unto the said John Harris and to his heirs and assigns two certain tracts of marsh situate in the township of lower Alloways creek aforesaid being part of the above mentioned marsh and are bounded as follows the first tract beginning at a post set by delaware bay being the south west corner of Satters tract also a corner of Iliss survey thence running on the line of said survey north sixty five degrees and twenty minutes east one hundred and twenty two perches corssing long island to a post for a corner of marsh which Thomas Robert surveyed for the said John Harris thence by said marsh north twenty seven degrees and forty five minutes west seventy four perches to a post for a corner of the said John Harris marsh thence by the same north twenty two degrees west ninety four perches and twenty links to a post on the north side of a small alder island thence due west one hundred and twenty eight perches and a half to a post set opposite alder cove thence north forty eight degrees west two hundred and twelve perches to a post thence north eighty three degrees and forty five minutes east twenty perches thence north one degree and thirty minutes west fifty six perches to straight ditch thence down said ditch out two perches to fishing creek thence up the said creek the several courses thereof to a post set above twelve perches above the mouth of the old branch of fishing creek thence north twenty degrees and forty minutes west seventy two perches to the line of Russell tract thence by said tract south sixty three degrees west eighty perches and a quarter to a post for corner of said tract thence still by said tract north twenty seven degrees west fourteen perches thence south forty two degrees and thirty minutes west one hundred and twenty perches by Firman Smiths marsh to a post thence south forty nine degrees east seventy nine perches thence south three degrees east one hundred and forty perches crossing fishing creek to a post set by the creek thence down the several corners of said creek (passing the mouth of goose pond gut forty five perches and straight line from the last mentioned post thence south two degrees east thirty eight perches to a post thence down Delaware bay the seven following courses south twenty one degrees and fifteen minutes east eight perches to long point thence north seventy one degrees and forty five minutes forty four perches thence south fifty six degrees and thirty minutes east seventy six perches thence north seventy five degrees and twenty minutes east ninety seven perches to alder cove thence south thirty six degrees east one hundred and fifty three perches and half corssing pages gut thence south seventeen degrees east forty perches thence south twenty seven degrees and forty five minutes west thirty nine perches and twenty links to the begining containing three hundred and thirty one acres and a half of marsh the second tract Begining at a post set on the north side of dek? creek about twenty six perches below the mouth of big ditch being in the line of the said John Harris marsh thence running by the said marsh north eight degrees and fifteen minutes west one hundred and five perches to a post thence by marsh of David Stretch due east thirty two perches and twenty links to deep creek thence down the creek to the begining containing twelve acres and one hundred and three square perches of marsh which said two tracts being part of the marsh mentioned above together with all and singular the improvements way waters watercourses fishing fowlings huntings rights members liberties priviledges hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said two tracts of marsh belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversions and remainders rents issues and profits thereof and all the estate right title interest property claim and demand whatsoever of them the said Mabel Reeves and Johnson Reeves and his wife both at law and in equity of in and to the same to have and to hold the said two tracts of marsh hereditaments and premises hereby granted with appurtenances unto the said John Harris his heirs and assigns to and for the proper use benefit and behoof of the said John Harris his heirs and assigns forever and the said Mabel Reeves and Johnson Reeves and their heirs the said two tract of land or marsh above described hereditaments and premises hereby granted with the appurtenances unto the said John Harris his heirs and assigns against them the said Mabel Reeves and Johnson Reeves and their heirs and against all and every person claiming thereunto by from or under them the same shall and will warrant and defend by these presents and the said Johnson Reeves for himself and his heirs doth covenant and agree to and with the said John Harris his heirs and assigns that he will at their request sign seal and execute any other ded or deeds for the better conveying and adjuring the above described premises unto the said John Harris his heirs and assigns against the claims of the said Johnson Reeves and his heirs or the claims of any person under him or them. In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written
Sealed and delivered }Mabel Reeves (seal)
in the prsence of }Johnson Reeves (seal)
Lewis Yorke }Zeruiah Reeves (seal)
Luke Stretch }
Salem County Be it remembered that on the eighteenth day of June in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred & seven before me Lewis Yorke one of the Judges of the court of common pleas of the county afsd in the state of new jersey personally appeared Mabel Reeves Johnson Reeve & Zeruiah Reeve the grantors of the within deed of conveyance named and did acknowledge that they signed & sealed the same in due form of law & delivered the same to and for the uses & purposes therein mentioned the said Zuruiah being of full age & seperately & apart from her husband by me examined declared that she executed the same of her own free will & accord without any threat or compulsion from her husband.
Taken before me June 18th 1807Mabel Reeves
Johnson Reeves
Zeruiah Reeves
Lewis Yorke
Recorded December 3rd 1807 and Recd Smith Recorder