Deed - Isaac Reeve to William Jones
Wilkes County, North Carolina
Deed Book F-2, p. 144
13 Jan 1808
THIS INDENTURE made this thirteenth day of January in the Year of (our) Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight between Isaac Reeves Sr. of the County of Wilkes and State of North Carolina of the one part and William Jones of the County & State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the Sd. Isaac Reeves for and in consideration of the Sum of fifty dollars to him in hand paid by the Sd. William Johnson (sic Jones) at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by the Sd. Isaac Reeves Senr. that he is fully Satisfied Contended and paid and by these presents the Said Isaac Reeves hath Given Granted Bargained Sold aliened enfeoffed and confirmed and doth fully and clearly give grant bargain Sell and confirm unto him the Said William Jones his heirs assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of Land Containing fifty acres Lying and being in the County & State aforesaid on the waters of Hunting Creek the Sd. fifty acres of Land being part of two tracts of Land Granted to Isaac Reeves Senr. Beginning on a white oak on the bank of the Creek at the old ford near John Dawsons old Spring thence north ninety six poles to a pine thence south west one hundred and sixty poles to a white oak thence South thirty five poles to a post oak Saplen thence east twenty two poles to a red oak thence South east Sixty four poles to the beginning be the Same more or less to have and to hold the aforesaid fifty acres of Land together with all ways woods waters and water Courses mines minerals hereditaments and appurtenances Rights privileges and improvements to the Said Land in any (wise) belonging or appertaining thereto to the only use and behoof of him the Said William Jones his heirs and assigns for ever and he the Said Isaac Reeves himself and his heirs do hereby covenant and agree to and with the Said William Jones that he the Said Jones his heirs and assigns Shall and may forever hereafter peaceably and quietly occupy possess and enjoy the aforesaid Granted Land and premises without the least molestation of any person or persons whatsoever and the Sd. Isaac Reeves his heirs exors admins & assigns do by these presents warrant and defend the aforesaid Granted Land and premises to him the Sd. Wm. Jones his heirs and assigns forever against the Claim or Claims of any person whatsoever he the Sd. Wm. Jones yielding and paying to the State Such Sums of money yearly or otherwise as the General Assembly from time to time may direct in witness whereof I the Said Isaac Reeves hath hereunto Set his my (?) hand and Seal the day and date above written. Signed sealed and delivered in presence of
John Sale Isaac Reeve (Seal)
Peter Reeve (written on the back)
North Carolina } January Term 1809
Wilkes County } The within deed was duly proven in Open Court
by the oath of John Sale and ordered to be
R. Martin C.C.