Lovett and Adam Reaves - Dower, John Giddens Estate
Wayne County, North Carolina
Record Book
Vol. 1A 1807-1813
Contains Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates
Image 133
In obedience to an order of Court Signed May Term 1808 WE the undersign'd Juriors having been summoned & sworn by the D. Sheriff to allot and set off to Sally Flowers Widow of Jno. Giddens, Dec'd, her Dower in the Real Estate of sd Dec'd we have agreeable thereto as the above plan Represents to Will Begin at a white oak & running N79 W.65 pole to a sweet gum on the run of Jethros Branch then up the run of sd Branch as it meanders to a tree Huckleberry near the head there of then S10 E 38 pole to a stake then Et 205 pole to a pine then N326 Et 276 pole to the Road then with same as it Runs to a pine Adam Reaves Corner, then S20 Est 41 pole to a pine her Corner, then W98 pole to a pine then N75 pole to a pine in Rhodes's Line then her line to the Begin Containing 333 Acres In testimony where of we have set our hands this 6th Day of June 1808
Ezekiel Sloucumb
David Edwards
Sampson Edwards
Lovett Reaves
Durham Graddy
Adam Reaves
Briton Hood
Jesse Norris
William Lewis
Urlene Lewis
John Jones
J. Bledsoe, D. S. Executed