Estate of Abner Reeves
Wilkes County, Georgia
29 Aug 1809 to 2 Nov 1812
Minutes of the Inferior Court - 1801 to 1812
Wilkes County, Georgia
Page 205 - Aug. 29, 1809. Abner Reeves, dec'd. Sally Reeves and John Wright appointed temporary Admrs.
Page 209--Nov. 6, 1809 Granted. Jonathan and Jeremiah Reeves, Security. William Roceter who has intermarried with Betsy Reeves, one of the heirs of Abner Reeves, asks commissioners be appointed to lay out to him his distributive share.
Wilkes County Original (Loose) Papers, Part 3
Page 284 - Abner Reeves dec'd est. Sarah Reeves and John Wright, admrs, Receipt of Wm. Routon Nov. 6, 1809 legacy in right of his wife for a slave, his part of personal est after the widows thirds were taken out.
Inventories, Sales, Etc 1807-1810 - Book MM
Wilkes County, Georgia
Page 126- Abner Reeves, dec'd. Inventory Nov. 8, 1809. Harris Coleman, Geo. Willis, Malachi Reeves, John Milner, John Ford, apprs.
Minutes of the Inferior Court - 1811 to 1817
Wilkes County, Georgia
Page 32 - Nov. 2, 1812. Enoch Callaway who has married Patsy Reeves, one of the heirs and distributees of Abner Reeves, dec'd. asks for a division of the personal estate.