1810 Deed - John Reeves to Thomas Reeves
Orange County, North Carolina
Deed Book 13, pg 553-554
20 Nov 1810
This Indenture mad the 20th day of November one thousand eight hundred and ten between John Reeves of the one part and Thomas Reeves of the other part both of the County of Orange and State of North Carolina Witnesseth that the said John Reeves for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds to his hand paid by the said Thomas Reeves. The Receipt of he doth have and acknowledges truth given granted ? and sold and by these present doth give, grant bargain and sell unto the said Thomas a certain piece parcel or tract of land and premises lying being and situate, lying and being in the County and state aforesaid on the Waters of Back Creek. Beginning at a post oak thence North nine chains to a ? Oak then West twenty and a half chains to a black oak the Widow Birds Corner thence ? nineteen chains to post oak then east thirty and a half chains to a stake in the field thence South twenty five chains to a stake this said Southerly line Includes the spring and runs about his ? below the spring which runs down through the _?_ _?_ thence East 20 ½ chains to said Reeves old line thence North ? ? along said line thirty five chains to a Hicory then west twenty five chains to the first station containing one hundred and thirty six acres be the same or less and the ? and ? remainder and remainders unto profits his determents and commo - - ? Whatsoever belonging or in anywise appertaining alies all the estate rights to the property claim ,interest and demand whatsoever as well in Equity as in law of him the said John of in and unto every tract above mentioned lands and premises and every portion part and parcel thereof to the only proper use and behalf of him the said Thomas his heirs and assigns forever to have to hold the said land and premises and every part and parcel thereof hath only proper use and behalf of him the said Thomas his heirs and assigns to have and to hold the said Lands and premises in as full and ample manner as they are now held by the said John and the said John Reeves for himself and his heirs, doth covenant and grant to and with the said Thomas Reeves the said seal land or parcel of land and premises hereby bargained and sold against him the said John Reeves his heirs, executors - - ? and assigns will warrant and by these present forever defend. In witness whereof the said John Reeves had hereunto set his hand and seal, day and year above written.Signed sealed and delivered.
John Reeves
In presence of
John Byrd
James Byrd.
Orange County August Term 1811
The execution of the foregoing deed was duly proved in open court by the oath of John Byrd, subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be registered.
John Taylor