Pendleton Dist., SC Will - Burgess Reeves

1811 Will - Burgess Reeves

Will - Burgess Reeves

Pendleton District, SC
Will Book A, Page 130-131
Written 6 Mar 1811
Proved 3 Jun 1811

In the name of God, Amen, I Burgess Reeves of Pendleton District & State of South Carolina, being very sick & weak of Body, but of perfect mind & memory - thanks be given unto God. - Calling unto mind the mortality of my Body & knowing that it is appointed unto men once to die do make & ordain this my last will & Testament - that is to say - principally & first of all, I give & recommend my Soul, into the hand of Almighty God, that gave it me & my body I recommend to the earth, to be buried in decent, Christian burial, at the discretion of Executors, and as Touching such world by estate, wherewith is has Pleased God to bless me in this Life, I give, demise & dispose of the Same, in the following manner & form

First. I give & bequeath to my loving wife Fanny Reeves all my estate, both real and personal for her peaceably to possess and enjoy - during her Natural life or widowhood and at her decease or marriage to be equally divided among - her & my Children. Viz: John Reeves, Mauldin Reeves, Leathy Reeves & William Reeves except the Said William Reeves who is to have an horse, saddle, & cow & calf, extra, more than the rest, also I constitute & appoint my Loving wife Fanny Reeves, my son John Reeves & John Mauldin the sole Executrix & execuators of this my last will & Testament. and I do hereby utterly, disallow remove & disannual all & every other former Testaments, wills, Legacies, bequeaths, and Executors, by me in my life before named willed & bequeathed Ratifying & confirming this and no other, to be my Last will & Testament

In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this sixth day of March, one thousand eight hundred & eleven.

Burges (his X mark) Reeves (Seal)

Signed, sealed, published
& pronounced in the presence of
Jas Thompson
Jonathan Browne

Elizabeth (her X mark) Hanna

South Carolina } By John Harris Esq.
Pendleton District } Ordinary of said District
Personally appeared before me Jonathan Brown & being duly sworn in the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God doth make Oath & say that he saw Burges Reaves sign, seal, publish, pronounce & declare the within to be and contain his last will & testament & that he the said Burges Reaves was then of sound & desposing mind, memory & understanding to the best of the deposents knowledge & belief and that he the said Jonathan Brown did sign his name as a witness thereto at the Request of the testator & in his presence at the same time Qualifyed Fanny Reaves & John Reaves Executrix & Executor Given under my hand & seal this 3rd Day of June 1811.
John Harris OPD (Seal)

Contributors to this page: Beverly and system .
Page last modified on Wednesday 06 of July, 2011 05:13:20 CDT by Beverly.