
1811 - Deed from Lovett Reaves to Bryan Carraway

1811 - Deed from Lovett Reaves to Bryan Carraway

Wayne County, North Carolina
Record of Deeds
Book 10
1813 - 1818

Page 40
No. 43

To all to whom these presents Shall Come Know ye that I Lovett Reaves of the County of Wayne & State of No. Carolina for and in consideration of the Sum of four Hundred Silver Dollars to me in hand paid by Bryan Carraway of the Same place have given granted bargained Sold and conveyed Confirmed assigned and Set over unto the Said Bryan Carraway his heirs and assigns forever a certain (unreadable) tract or parcel of land Situate lying and being in the County of Wayne on the South side of Brooks Swamp (unreadable) & bounded as follows Beginning in the run of sd Swamp in the mouth of the maple branch joining Adam Reaves line thence the Run the run (sic) of Sd Swamp to Stephen Reaves line in the mouth of a branch of Sd Swamp the branch being the dividing line between Stephen & Lovett Reaves thence up the various Courses of Sd branch to Wm Reaves back line thence an Et Course to the Road thence with Sd Road in a South ___ to the path Adam & John Reaves Allow'd along where they Swapped lands thence with Sd path run a west Course to the head of the maple branch Adam Reaves line thence down the various Courses of the branch to the beginning Containing three Hundred acres It the Same more or less together with all its numbers privileges & advantages whatsoever thereon or there unto belonging in any wise belonging or appertaining It being the land where the Sd Lovett Reaves now lives to have & to hold the aforesaid land and premises to him the Said Bryan Carraway his heirs and assigns forever together all and Singular the above bargained land and premises with the (unreadable) of these premises freely Clearly acquitted and Discharged of from all & all manner of Incumberances what so ever & the Said Bryan Carraway Shall & may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter by force & virtue of these presents lawfully peaceably & quietly have hold use occupy possess & Injoy all (unreadable) thereof and the Said Lovett Reaves for him Self his heirs Executors and administrators do hereby bind and oblige himself to warrant Secure & forever Defend the Said lands & premises to him the Said Bryan Carraway his heirs and assigns forever and against the lawful Claim or Claims of all and every other person or persons whatsoever In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand my hand (sic) and Seal this 22nd day of August 1811
Lovett Reaves
James Sollace?
Caty Reaves

May Co 1813

Contributors to this page: @TRP-GC and Richard .
Page last modified on Wednesday 23 of May, 2012 03:38:30 CDT by @TRP-GC.