1813 Deed - Samuel Smith to Burgess Reeves
Jackson County
Deed Book F, p.222
This Indenture made the twenty second day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirteen Between Samuel Smith of the one part & Burgess Reeves of the other part & both of the state of Georgia & County of Jackson Witnesseth that the aforesaid Samuel Smith for & in consideration of the sum of six hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the said Burgess Reeves before the sealing & deliver of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged doth hereby bargain sold & by these presents doth bargain sell & confirm unto the said burgess Reeves his heirs & assigns forever a tract of land lying in the County Jackson on the Appalachee containing one hundred & eighty acres the same more or less joining James Wilson Beginning on a hickory on said Reeves running north 37 chains along Wilsons old line to a stake thence sixty eight East 210 chains 50 links to a post oak thence South 42 East 49 chains 50 links to a black oak thence across to the river to a hickory thence up the meandering of the river to the beginning corner Together with all & singular the rights members & appurtenance thereto I the said S. Smith do warrant & forever defend the same from myself & all persons whatsoever claiming any Just right to the same In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal the day & date first above written.
Samuel (X) Smith
Andr’w Boyd
Arche Tanner
Personally came before me Andrew Boyd & on his oath saith that he saw Samuel Smith sign the within deed & Arche Tanner he saw witness the within & he himself subscribed his name to the within deed Sworn to & Subscribed before me the 15th of February 1816.
And'w Boyd
Geo. Humphries J.P.
Recorded the 20th day of March 1816
Edward Adams