1813 Deed - Henderson to Andrew Boyd
Jackson County Deed Book F
1812 - 1818
p. 63 - 64
State of Georgia
Jackson County
This Indenture made this third day December in the year eighteen hundred & thirteen & in the thirty seventh year of American Independence between Robert Henderson of the sate & county aforesaid of the one part & Andrew Boyd of the state & County aforesaid of the other Part. Witnesseth that the said Henderson for & in consideration of the sum of one hundred & eight dollars to hi in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted & sold & by these presents doth grant bargain Sell & release & confirm to the said Boyd his heirs & assigns all that tract or parcel of land lying & being in the County Jackson on Curries Creek & joining the plantation whereon the said Boyd now lives containing Ninety four Acres Beginning on a pine & running S40 East 27 Chains & 60 links to a pine thence N50 degrees East 36 ch 50 links to a Wahoo (tree) on the bank of the Creek thence up the Creek to a Sweet gum above the mouth of the branch thence up said branch to the beginning To have & to hold & the said Henderson doth hereby warrant & forever defend the premises aforesaid to the said Boyd his heirs & assigns forever against all & ever other person or persons him the said Henderson his heirs & assigns & against all & every other person or persons whatsoever claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal the day & date above written
In presence of Rob’t Henderson
Frederick Reeves
Thomas (X) Blanks
Jackson County
Personally appeared before me Frederick reeves & make Oath that he was a subscribing witness with Thomas Blanks to the within Deed & heard Robert Henderson acknowledge the same & saw Tho. Blanks assign the same as witness. Sworn to & Subscribed before me 17th January 1814
Frederick Reeves
David Witt J.J.C.
Recorded the 2nd day of March 1814.
Edward Adams Clk
Jackson County GA Deed Book F, p. 63-64Photograph of original deed book pages courtesy of Kay Dawson