1814 Deed - Frederick Rives to Mary Bottom

1814 Deed - Frederick Rives to Mary Bottom

1814 Deed - Frederick Rives to Mary Bottom


Franklin County, Virginia
Deed Book 7, p74
5 Mar 1814


Know all men by these presents that I Frederick Rives of the County of Franklin and State of Virginia for and in consideration of the natural live and affection which I bear to my Daughter Mary Bottom wife of James Bottom of the County and State aforesaid as also for the Better maintenance and preferment of the said Mary Bottom during her natural life and for the benefit of her lawful Children after her death hath granted unto the said Mary Bottom dureing her natural life and after her decease to her lawful children Equally A Negro Boy by the name of Nelson and a Negro Girl with Two children by the name of John & Peter she by the name of Catherine and all her future increase for her proper use and the use oof her lawful children only at her Decease and I the said Frederick Rives do for myself my heirs executors and assigns for ever warrant and defend the right and Title of the said mentioned Negroes and their Increase unto the said Mary Bottom and to her lawful Children only after her Deceased as before mentioned against the claim or claims of all persons whatsoever in Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 5th day of March 1814
Signed Sealed and acknowledged }Fredk Rives (Seal)
in the presents of }
Joseph Rives
Robert (his x mark) Prunty
Saml Young

At a court held for Franklin County March 7th 1814
This Deed of Gift from Frederick Rives to Mary Bottom was proved by the oath of Joseph Rives, Robert Prunty and Samuel Young, the witnesses hereto, and ordered to be recorded.
Teste Caleb Tate C F C


FamilySearch - Franklin County, Virginia Deed Book 7, p74