1816 Deed - Elijah Reeves Heirs to James Tinsley
Fleming County, KentuckyDeed Book G, p201
9 Jan 1816
This Indenter maid this ninth day of January one thousand eight hundred and Sixteen Between Spencer Reeves Thomas Reeves Elijah Reeves Benjamin Reeves Peggy Reeves Juner Rooday Reeves Wm Roys and Antoney Worley all lawfull heirse of Elijah Reeves desest and James Tinsley of the other part Witneses that the above menchend heirs of Elijah Reeves desest have for and in consideration of the som of one cent to us in hand paid the reseit is hereby acknowledged have Greante bargend and soald and do by ths presnts grant reles conay and confurm to the sd James Tinsley his heirs and asines forever a serten tract or parsel of land in Fleming County and bounded as foleth It being part of Mosbes 30,000 aces survey and pert lot number 11 and bounded as folloeth beginning at at the mout of a branch puttin in to fox below the schoolhouse below Hurds mill thens up sd branch 108 poals to a crab apple tree in a line between lot number 11 and 12 thens west with said line 116 poals to a branch crosing said line thens down sd branch to foxes creek thens up said creek with the meanders to the begining containing one hundred acres to the said James Tinsley to have and to hold the sd tract with all and every appertenents thereunto belonging these unto from ourselves and our heirs forever but not from one other persons whatever and it is the true intent and meaning of the above obligation and clearly understood by the parties that in case the sd Tinsley or any claiming under sd Tinsley should ever be evicted from said premises one must claim that the sd Spencer Reeves Thomas Reeves Elijah Reeves Benjamin Reeves Peggy Reeves Rodry Reeves Wm Raoys and Antoney Worley is hereby forever aquitted from any possible recoure whatsoever In witness whereof we have hereunto set our lands and seals this day and date above writtenTestElijah (his mark) Reeves (LS)
Elisha HurdBenjamin Reeves (LS)
Thomas HamlettWilliam (his x mark) Roys (LS)
Wm TolsonSpencer Reeves
Rorie ThomasPeggy Reeves
Nathan Hurd
provd by Tilson as to Spencer Reeves Augt 26th 1816 & to A Lyle proved by Tho Hamlett and Elisha Hurd as to Elisha Reeves Benjamin Reeves & Wm Roys Sept 2d 1817
State of Kentucky Fleming County
I Alexr S Lyle deputy for Joshua Stockton Clerk of the court for said County do certify this Indenture of Bargain and sale from Spencer Reeves & others lawful heirs of Elijah Reeves Decd to James Tinsley was this day produced before me proved by the path of Thoams Hamlet and Elijah Hurd two of the witnesses there as to Elijah Reeves Benjamin Reeves & Wm Roys and on this day acknowledged by Spencer Reeves which is together with this certifycate duly recorded in said office Given under my hand the 2d day of June 1817
Alexr S Lyle DC