Inventory of Estate of Cullen Backman - Adam Reaves
Wayne County, North Carolina
Record Book
Vol. 3
1812 - 1816
Contains Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates
Image 203 - 205
Inventory of the Property of Cullen Blackman, dec'd contained among a long list of notes due the estate:
"1 on Adam Reaves dated 2nd Jany 1813 26. __"
"The following Notes is Doubtful (to wit)"
"1 on Adam Reaves due 1st Jan. 1819 125.__"
Feby Co. 1816
(Adam Reaves also made a purchase at the sale of the estate of Cullen Blackman)
Image 207
Sale of Property of Cullen Blackman decd 13th December 1815 at Six Months Credit with Interest from the date (except the land)
1 Top Stack & Some Shucks to Adam Reaves 3.__