1816 Will - Thomas Reeves
Gloucester County, New JerseyWill Book B, p257
31 May 1816
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Reeves of the Township of Greenwich in the County of Gloucester and State of New Jersey being in tolerable health of Body and of sound disposing mind and memory thanks be to my heavenly Father for the same calling to mind the uncertainty of time and that all flesh must die and not knowing how soon it may please God to remove me from this world Do make and ordain this writing to be my last will and Testament as follows.First I do order all my just debts and funeral charges to be paid
Second I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah Reeves all the property she brought with her when I married her and also the sum of two hundred dollars a year to be paid to her annually during her natural life as herein after mentioned all which I give her in lieu and in satisfaction of her dower in my estate real and personal.
Item I give and bequeath to my daughters Mary Ann Reeves and Deziah Reeves each the sum of two thousand dollars, and as I have not disposed of my present wifes maiden property I do give and bequeath to my Daughters Abigail Reeves the sum of one thousand dollars to be paid to my said Daughters as they arrive to the ages of Eighteen years respectively with interest from the time of my decease giving my executors power to make use of so much of the said interest money of each ones shares as they may think necessary for the maintenance education of my said daughters
Item I give my son Thomas Reeves the sum of two thousand dollars to be paid him in six months after my decease. Item I give and bequeath to my son Joseph Reeves in fee simple the plantation I now live on containing about three hundred acres of land and marsh which I purchased of John Filse? and Alexander Long also a lot of Meadow on the River Delaware in Rapanpa which I purchased of Isaac Burrough & wife containing about eleven acres also my part to Chester Island which I purchased of Gideon Denny and wife also a lot of Cedar swamp which I purchased of William Lippincott Administrator of Peter Bechelt? deceased. Item I give and bequeathed to my son Charles Reeves in fee simple all that farm and plantation situate on great Mantau Creek containing about one hundred and fifty nine acres which I purchased of the executors of Cooper Paul deceased also a lot of woodland adjoining the same which I purchased of Thomas Clark - The said Annuity herein before given to my said wife to be paid equally out of the rents and profits of the aforesaid farms that is to say out of the rents of my son Joseph's farm the sum of one hundred dollars annually and out of the rents of my son Charles's farm the other hundred dollars annually during her natural life as aforesaid.
If either of my daughters should die before they arrive to the age of eighteen years and without issue such daughters share to be equally divided between my other daughters share and share alike.
Item if my son Joseph should die before he arrives to the age of twenty one and without issue my will is that his lands be sold and the monies arriving from the sale thereof to be equally divided between my surviving sons and daughters share and share alike. Item if my son Charles should die before he arrives to the age of twenty one and without issue his lands to descend to my son Joseph exclusively
Item I give and bequeath to my son Joseph my Black people untill they arrive to the ages of thirty years and then to be manumitted by him agreably to law.
Item the residue of my estate both real and personal after paying the aforesaid legacies and expenses I do give to my two sons Joseph & Charles to be equally divded between them I do appoint my Brother Biddle Reeves and my son Joseph Reeves my lawful executors and do also appoint my brother Biddle Guardian to my several children untill they arrive the boys to the age of twenty one and the girls to the age of eighteen. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this thirty first day May AD eighteen hundred & sixteen.
Thomas Reeves (LS)
Signed Sealed and pronounced to be my last will and Testament in the presence of
Joseph Turner
Elizabeth Clark
Joseph V. Clark
Know all men by these presents that whereas I Thomas Reeves on this thirty first day of May AD eighteen hundred and sixteen did make my last will and Testament in writing and whereas since making sail will and Testament I have added to my estate real and personal and having further considered of my affairs do make this writing a suppliment or codicil to my said last will and testament in manner following to with
First I do hereby give and devise to my son Joseph Reeves the meadow which I bought of Hannah Hopkins situate in Repaupo in fee simple over and above what I gave him in the said last will and Testament aforesaid and it is further my will that the lands which I devised to my sons Joseph and Charles shall be subject and liable for the payment of the annuity given to my said wife during her natural life to be paid in equal proportion and in addition to the legacies therein bequeath to my son Thomas and my three daughters I do further give unto them as follows first to my son Thomas the sum of one thousand dollars and to my three daughters the sum of one thousand dollars each with interest as mentioned in said will and testament and also to my daughter Mary Ann one good Bed and Bedding a B? six silver table spoons one table two large arm chais and also to my daughter Deziah one good bed and beding a Buacau? six silver tea spoons one table six chairs a pait of brass top and ? armed mahogany tea table I do also appoint my son Joseph guardian to my other children who are under age. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this thirteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen. Signed Sealed and declare the same to be a codicil to my last will and testament in the presence of
Thomas Reeves (LS)
John Johnson mark x
Felix Stiles
Joseph V. Clark
Joseph V. Clark one of the subscribing witnesses to the within will being duly affirmed according to law saith that he saw Thomas Reeves the testator therein named sign and seal the same that he heard him publish pronounce and declare the same to be his last will and Testament and at the doing thereof the said testator was of sound disposing mind and memory as far as this affirmant knows and as he verily believes and that Joseph Turner and Elizabeth Clark the other subscribing witnesses were present at the same time & subscribed their names thereto together with this affirmant in the presence of the said testator
Joseph V. Clark
Affirmed & Subscribed at Woodbury
September 27 1819 before me
Jacob Glover Surrogate.
Biddle Reeves and Joseph Reeves executors in the within will named being duly affirmed according to law severally declare and say that the within writing contains the true last will and Testament of Thomas Reeves the testator therein named as far as they know and as they verily believe and that they will well and truly perform the same by paying first the debts and then the legacies in the said testament specified so far as the goods chattels & credits of said decd can thereunto extend and that they will make and exhibit into the surrogates office in Woodbury a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods chattels & credits of said decd and render a just and true account when thereunto lawfully required
Biddle Reeves
Joseph Reeves Jun
Affirmed and subscribed at
Woodbury Sept 27 1819 before me
Jacob Glover Surrogate