Deed – James Reeves Heirs to William A. Holton
Mason County, Kentucky
Deed Book R pgs 181-184
24 Sep 1816
THIS INDENTURE, made this twenty four day of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, between William Cordrey and Margaret his wife late Margaret Reeves, Benjamin Reeves and Nancy Reeves his wife, Bartly Reeves, Alexander Reeves, James Brown and Polly his wife, late Polly Reeves, Henry Wood and Miram his wife, late Miram Reeves and John Reeves, Legatees and Heirs of James Reeve deceased, of the one part, and William A. Holton of Mason County of the other part, Witnesseth, that the said Margaret, Nancy, Bartley, Alexander, Polly, Miram and John for and in consideration of the sum of Four hundred dollars lawful money of Kentucky to them the said Legatees and Heirs in hand paid, by the said William A. Holton in equal distribution the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and forever ex:hororate the said William A. Holton, Have granted, bargained, sold and conveyed and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto him the said William A. Holton his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land situate and being in Mason County on the waters of Lee’s Creek and formerly possessed by said James Reeves deceased to wit, Beginning at a stone where a buckeye and elm formerly stood the South East Corner a one thousand acre survey in the name of William Kanada and a corner of Tabb survey, thence North ten degrees East one hundred poles to a sugartree and white Walnut, thence North eighty three degrees West eighty poles to a beech and two ash trees, thence South ten degrees West with Ruben Thompson’s line one hundred poles to a sugartree and buckeye or a stone where they stood a corner to said Thompson, thence South eighty two degrees, East eighty poles to the Beginning, containing fifty acres be the same more or less including houses, &c that the said William A. Holton now lives at and a part of said survey in the name of Kanada, together with all and singular the rights, members, liberties, privileges, improvements, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. To have and to hold the same, to the said William A. Holton free from the claim or claims of the said Margaret, Nancy, Bartley, Alexander, Polly, Miram and John and their heirs, and all and other person or persons claiming or to claim the same by, from, through or under the said Margaret, Nancy, Bartley, Alexander, Polly, Miram and John or either of them or their heirs, (but not against the claim or claims of any other person or persons whatsoever, and to the only proper use and behoof of the said William A. Holton and his heirs and assigns. In witness whereof the said William Cordrey and Margaret his wife, Benjamin Reeves and Nancy his wife, Bartley Reeves, Alexander Reeves, James Brown and Polly his wife, Henry Wood and Miram his wife and John Reeve have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above writtenSigned and acknowledged § James Brown (Seal)
In the presence of us § Mary Brown (Seal)
Calvin Holton, § William (his + mark) Cordrey (Seal)
Luther Holton, § Marget (her + mark) Cordrey (Seal)
Lemul (his + mark) Bullenton § Bartley Reeves (Seal)
Ruben Tomson § Alexander Reeves (Seal)
Joseph Kethlan § Effia Reeves (Seal)
William Allen § Benj. Reeves (Seal)
October the 16 § Nancy Reeves (Seal)
Attest § Henry Wood (Seal)
John Glendennen § Miram Wood (Seal)
Calvin Holton §
Luther Holton §
State of Kentucky Mason County Sct
I, Marshall Key, Clerk of the Court of the County aforesaid Do certify that this Indenture of bargain and sale from James Brown and Margaret, his wife, William Cordrey and Margaret his wife, Bartley Reeves Alexander Reeves, Effia Reeves, Benjamin Reeves Nancy Reeves, Henry Wood and Miram Wood legatees and heirs of William Reeves deceased to William A. Holton, was this day produced in my office, and proved to be the act and deed of the said James Brown, William Cordrey, Bartley Reeves Alexander Reeves Benjamin Reeves and Henry Wood by the oaths of Calvin Holton and Luther Holton subscribing witnesses thereto and the said Nancy Reeves and Miram Wood being examined privily and apart from their respective husbands and having the same Indenture fully explained to them did freely and voluntarily without the threats or persuasions of their said husbands relinquish, that is to say the said Nancy Reeves, all her right and title to dower of in and to the lands and premises conveyed by the said Indenture, and the said Miram Wood all her right and title of in and to the lands and premises aforesaid, to the said William A. Holton: and were willing that the same might be recorded: which and the said Indenture are duly recorded in my office
Given under my hand the 22d day of May 1817. Marshall Key