Committee to Allot Widow's Share of James Lane Estate- Adam Reaves
Wayne County, North Carolina
Record Book
Vol. 4
1816 - 1822
Contains Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates
Image 70
In Obedience to an Order of Court issued May Term 1817 WE the Jurors have been Summoned by the DShff and duly Sworn to Set off & Allot to Dicy Lane Widow of James Lane dec'd One Third part of the Land of said dec'd We have Agreeable thereto as as (sic) the above plan represents (To Wit) Began at a Stake on the run of Thunder Swamp & runs S.5 Poles to a red Oak, then S.23 Wt 37 Pole to a Lightwood Tree, then S. 46 poles to a pine, then Et 60 poles to a White Oak then S. 140 pole then Est 38 pole then No. 206 poles to a Stake in the edge of the field, then Wt 20 Pole to a pine on the run of Thunder Swamp then down the run of Thunder Swamp as it Meanders to the first Station Twenty Six Acres & Two thirds . In Testimony whereof We the Subscribers set our hands and Seals this 22nd day of July 1817.
Charles Bass DShff
Samuel Flowers
S. Smith
Adam Reaves
William Flowers
James Edwards
Daniel Kornegay
Aug't Co. 1817