Abner Reeves Family Bible

Abner Reeves Family Bible

Abner Reeves Family Bible


Cottage Bible Published 1851


Father Abner Reeves was Born 1818 the 29 Day August

Mother Lorinda Merriman Was Born 1820 the 23 Day Sept

Abner & Lorinda Reeves Married in 1841
Martin Reeves married to Marcy O. Harow Feb 5th 1861 at Dexter NY
Thomas Reeves married to Maryette Hoover Jan 1st 1866 at Dxter NY
Hiram A Reeves married to Jennie Girard Nov 13 1871 at Adams NY
James A Reeves married to Sophia Cole Nov 3rd 1875 at Kalamazoo Md
William Reeves married to Winnie Riggs Oct 8th 1878 at ???? NY
Sarah M Reeves married to Joseph F Kimball Oct 12th 1877 at Dexter NY
Charles E Reeves married to Minnie Barrett April 1880 at Watertower NY

Martin Reeves was Born 1841 the 12 Novem
Thomas Reeves was Born 1843 the 13 Augt
James A Reeves Was Born 1845 the 17 Sept
Hiram A Reeves Was Born 1850 the 23 April
William G Reeves was Born 1851 the 8 Oct
Charles E Reeves was Born 1854 the 18 Sept
Sarah M Reeves Was Born 1857 the 3 Nov
Kity Reeves Was Born 1865 the 25 May

Thomas Reeves daughter Cora Reeves born 20 Sep 1868
" son ?????ton Reeves born 16 Jan 1869
Martin Reeves daughter Lettie Reeves born 28 Feb 1871
Hiram Reeves son Ernie Reeves born Sep 25 1872
Thomas Reeves son Bert Reeves born Jan 29 1879
William Reeves son Earl Reeves born Aprl 18 1879
Martin Reeves son Shirley Reeves born Aug 29 1879
William Reeves son Charlie Reeves born Aug 4 1881
Charlie Reeves daughter Minnie Reeves born Dec 9? 1881
William Reeves daughter Nellie Reeves born March ?? 1884
Osborn J Reeves son of J A Reeves born April 9th 1898

Abner Reeves died April 4th 187?
Charles E Reeves died December 13th 1886 at his home Septer NY
Lorinda Reeves Died at her home Dexter NY Oct 25th 1891
Thomas H Reeves Died at his home Dexter NY April 4th 1896
Marette Hoover Reeves Died March 20th? 1902?
Winnie Riggs Reeves Died July 10th 1886
James A Reeves Died at .....April 25th 1903


Flower Memorial Library, Watertown, New York - Genealogy Department