Estate of Sampson Edwards - John, Adam, James, Keziah Reaves
Wayne County, North Carolina
Record Book
Vol. 4
1816 - 1822
Contains Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates
Sale of Property
Image 106 - 107
The Ac't of the Sale of the property belonging to the Estate of Sampson Edwards Esqr dec'd is as follows. Six Months Credit will be given the purchasers by giving Note with Approved Security before the property is moved & if any person bids off any property & should fail to give Security the property Shall Instantly be sold again and the first purchaser make good the Deficiency if any this 1st day of May 1818.
1 Grubing Hoe & Ax John Reaves 1.60
1 Candle Stick & Snuffers John Reaves .15
1 Scythe & Cradle John Reaves .10
1 Ox yoke John Reaves .70
2 wheels John Reaves .60
May Co. 1818
Inventory of Debts
Image 116
An Inventory of the debts due Sampson Edwards Esqr dec'd Estate Taken the 14th of August 1818.
1 Ac't on Adam Reaves desperate
Augt Co. 1818
(Note: Some debts listed as doubtful and several as "desperate")
Hire of Negroes
Image 118
The Terms of Hireing the Negroes belonging to the Estate of Sampson Edwards Esqr dec'd is as follows from the 7th day of August 1818 until the 1st day of September 1818 Six Months Credit will be given the purchaser by giveing Note with approved Security this 7th of Aug't 1818.
Bob Jas. Reaves 2.50
York Jas. Reaves 2.00
Aug't Co. 1818
Division of Land
Image 128 - 129
In Obedience to an Order of Court issued August Term 1818 We the Subscribers have Divided the Lands of Sampson Edwards dec'd Between the Heirs of said dec'd as the above plan represents (To Wit) No. 1 Valued at $472.50 cents Beg'n for Anne Mariah Edwards at a Stake on the Edge of the Mill pond at high Water mark & runs N 40 Et 2 poles to a White Oak William Basses Corner then with his line N 60 Et 97 pole to a Stake his corner then with his other line S 50 Et 19 ½ poles to a forked Black Jack Jesse Blanchards corner then with his line N 33 ½ Et. 199 pole to a Stake on the Head of the Stringy Meadow Branch then S 61 Wt. 179 poles to a Black Gum on the Edge of the Mill pond then up and with the edge of the Mill Pond at high Water mark as it Meanders to the first Station Containing Forty fie acres.
No. 2 Valued at $472.50 Beg'n for Polley Howell at a Black Gum on the Edge of the Mill Pond Anne Mariah's corner & runs with her line N 61 Et 179 pole to a stake at her Corner near the Head of the Stringy Meadow Branch then down the run of the Stringy Meadow Branch as it Meanders to a Stake Jesse Blanchards corner then with his line S 61 Wt 44 ¼ poles to a Sweet Gum on the Mill Pond Blanchards corner then up and with the edge of the Mill pond at high water mark as it Meanders to the first Station containing Forty five Acres.
No. 3 Valued at $480 Begining for Lydia Edwards at a Stake on the run o the Horse Marsh & runs North 28 Wt. 3 ½ poles to a Hickory Everetts corner then with his line N 28 Wt 100 poles to his corner then with his other line N 62 Et 5 poles to a Black Oak in the Center of Three Blackjacks & a pine his corner then N 59 Et 155 poles to a Bay on the run of Poplar Branch then down the run of said Branch as it Menders to the run of the Horse Marsh then down the run of the Horse Marsh as it Meanders to the first Station including he Mill Seat(?) i& the Land belonging to the Same it Containing in the whole Forty Eight Acres.
No. 4 Valued at $441 Begining for Salley Jernigan ata a Stake near the Jennett House in Everetts line & runds N 59 Et. 200 poles to a Stake in Robt Musgraves line then with the Same S 36 Et. 30 pole to a pine his Corner then N 50 ½ poles to a Stake then Et 82 poles to a pine on the run to the Farkiler(?) Branch then down the run of Said Branch as it Meanders to a Black Gum in Brodons line then with Brogdons line N 52 Wt. 27 poles to a Black Oak down Brogdons Corner then S 54 Wt 93 poles to a Bay on the run of the Poplar Branch Lydia's corner then with her line S. 59 Wt 155 poles to a Black Oak her corner then with Everetts line N 28 Wt 34 poles to the Begining Containing Sixty Three acres.
No. 5 Valued at $630 Begining for Sampson Edwards at a Sake Salley Jernigans Corner in Everetts line near the Jennette House and runs with Salley Jernigans line N 59 Et 200 poles to a Stake her corner in Robt Musgrave line thenn withhis line N 36 Wt 33 poles to a Stake then S 59 Wt 213 poles to a small Blackjack in Michael McKinne's line then with line S. 63 Et 26 poles to a pine his corner & Everett then with Everetts line S 38 Et 10 pole to the Begining Containing Forty Two acres & a half & Twenty three poles. Also one other parcel of Land Begining at a pine on the run of the Farkiler Branch Salley Jernigans corner & runs with her line Wt. 82 poles to a Stake her corner then N 39 ½ poles to a Stake John McKinne's corner then with his line Et 90 ½ poles to a Small Black Gum on the run of the Farkiler Branch then down the run of said branch as it Meanders to the Begining Containing Twenty Acres one Quarter & Seventeen poles. Also William Edwards for Sampson Edwards is to pay to Betsy Ann Edwards the Sum of Ninety Three dollars & thirty cents to make her Lott Equal. Also the said William Edwards for Sampson Edwards is to pay to Salley Jernigan the Sum of Forty Six dollars & Ninety Two & half cents to make her equal.
No. 6 Valued at Five Hundred & Sixty Seven dollars. Begining for Keziah Reaves at a Sweet Gum on the runoff Casletons Branch Michael McKenne's Corner & runs with his line S 63 ET 70 poles to a Stake Sampson's Corner, then with his line N 59 Et213 poles to a Stake his corner on Robt Musgraves line then with his line N 36 Wt 38 poles to the run of the Branch then down the run of the Branch as it Meanders to the Begining Containing Sixty three Acres. Also the said Keziah Reaves is to pay to William Edwards the Sum of $47. 2 ½ Cents. Also the said Keziah Reaves is to pay to Polley Howell the Sum of $17.27 ½ Cents. Also the said Keziah Reaves is to pay to Lydia Edwards the Sum of $9. 77 ½ Cents. Also the said Keziah Reaves is to pay to Salley Jernigan the Sum of $1.5 Cents. Also the said Keziah Reaves is to pay to Anne Mariah Edwards the Sum of $1.30 Cents.
No. 7 Valued at $442.75 Cents. Begining for William Edwards at a Pine on the Bank of Falling Creek & runs Et 32 poles to a Stake in Michael McKinne's line, then N 60 Et 98 poles to a Small Blackjack on the Side of the Road, then with the Road as it turns N 54 Et 12 poles then N 40 Et 36 poles at the fork of the road then N 62 ET 86 poles then N bg Et 81 poles to a Stake at the Head of the South prong of Maple Branch, then down the run of the same as it Meanders to a Black Gum Just below the fork of Said Branch, then S 29 WT 112 poles to a Red Oak on the Side of the road at the end of the Lane, then with the road as S 68 Wt poles the S 42 WT 40 poles then S 82 Wt 24 poles then S 84 Wt 35 poles to the Bridge, then up the run of Falling Creek as it Meanders to the Begining Containing Sixty three acre & one Quarter.
No. 8 Valued at $5.05 45 Cents. Beg'n for George W. Edwards, at the Bridge, at the Bank of the Creek & runs with the road as N 84 Et 25 poles, then N 82 Et 24 poles, then N 72 Et 40 poles then N 68 Et 13 poles to a red Oak at the end of the Lane Williams Corner then with his line N 29 ET 112 poles to a lack Gum his corner on the run of Maple Branch then down the run of the Same as it Meanders to a Stake Everitts Corner then S 82 Wt 46 poles to three Sower Woods on the Bank of the Creek, then up the Creek as it Meanders to the Begining Containing Sixty three acres & one Quarter. Also the Said George W. Edwards is to pay to Anne Mariah Edwards the sum of $15.97 ½ Cents.
No. 9 Valued at $253.75. Beginning for Betsey Ann Edwards at three Sower Woods on the Bank of Falling Creek George W. Edwards's Corner and runs with his line N 82 Et 146 poles to a Stake Joseph Everitts corner on the run of the Maple Branc, then with Everetts line N 51 pole to a Stake in the Same then S 84 Wt 140 pole to a pine on the Bank of the Creek then up the Creek as it Meanders to the first Station Containing Sixty three acres & one Quarter.
No. 10 Valued at $632.50 Cents. Begining for John Edwards at a Water Oak on the Bank of Falling Creek & runs Et 141 poles to a stake the patent corner then with the patent line S 59 pole to a Sake in the Lane, Betsey Ann, Edwards's corner then with her line S 84 Wt 140 poles to a pine her corner on the Bank of the Creek then down the Creek as it Menaders to the Begining Containing Sixty three acres & one Quarter. Also the said John Edwards is to pay Betsey Ann Edwards the Sum of $142.42 ½ cents to make her lot Equal. The above said Sums of money is to be paid within Twelve Months from the date of the return. In Testimony Whereof we the Subscribers have Set our hands &b Seals the 22nd day of October 1818.
Wayne County Aug't Term 1818 Thomas Kennedy
B. McKinnie
Jno. Cox
Ordered that John McKinnie,, Micajah Cox, Baran McKinie, John Cox & Thomas Kennety be appointed commissioners to divide the lands of Sampson Edwards dec'd among the lawful representatives and report to next Court.
Copy Test. P. Hooks Clk
Nov'r Co. 1818
Division of Negroes
Image 129
In Obedience to an Order of the County Court issued November Term 1818. We the Subscribers have Divided the Negroes of Sampson Edwards dec'd Between the lawful Heirs of Said dec'd in the following manner (To Wit).
The Averidge of the Value of Said Negroes is $845.
William Edwards drawed Tom valued at $800. Also drawed Madison valued at $150. The said William Edwards is to pay to John Edwards the sum of Seventy five dollars. Jemima Edwards David Charles & Anne & Charles David valued at $875.
Salley Jernigan Bunch'd in Daniel & Jinny valued at $650 and Cloe Added in Valued at $200.
Keziah Reaves Bunch'd in Jim valued at $650 and Penny Added valued at $300. Also the said Keziah Reaves is to pay to Salley Jernnigan the Sum of Twenty five dollars. Also the said Keizah Reaves is to pay to Sampson Edwards the Sum of Fifty Dollars.
Sampson Edwards draw'd John & Poppy valued at $825.
Anne Mariah Edwards draw'd Rachel, Gatsey & Joe Valued at $900. Also the Said Anne Mariah Edwards is to pay to John Edwards the Sum of Twenty Five dollars.
George W. Edwards draw'd Isaac & China valued $900. Also the said George W. Edwards is to pay to John Edwards the Su f Twenty Five dollars.
Polley Howell draw'd York & Abby valued at $900. Also the said Polley Howell is to pay Lydia Edwards the Sum of Twenty Five dollars.
Lydia Edwards draw'd Grace & Allen Valued at $850.
John Edwards draw'd Bob & Bristor Valued $750.
Betsey Anne Edwards draw'd Susan & Theophilus Valued at $845.
The above Said Sums of money is to make their Lots of Negroes Equal and is to be paid within Twelve Months from the date of this return.
In Testimony whereof we the Subscribes have hereunto Set our hands & Seals this 17th day of November 1818.
Wayne County Nov'r Term 1818 B. McKinne
Britton Hood
John Cox
Ordered that John Cox, Barna McKinne & Britton Hood divide the Negroes belonging to the Estate of the Late Sampson Edwards among the distributes & report to this Term
Nov'r Co. 1818 P. Hooks Clk
Keziah Reaves was the wife of Jonas Reaves — see 18330523_Vol_2_Keziah_Reaves