Will of Mark Reaves, Sr.
Horry County, South Carolina
Will Book B, Page 3
1 Nov 1819
Recorded 16 Nov 1819
In the name of God Amen, Know All men by these Presants (sic) that - I Mark Reavs Senior living in South Carolina Horry District, Being Weak in Body but Sound Sence and memory do make my Last will and Testament. First of All I commend my Soul to Almighty God and my Body to a Christian Buriel at the Discretion of my Friends and As for Such Worldly Goods as it hath Pleased God to Bless me, I do dispose of them after the following maner. First of All I Will and Bequeath to my Son Ralins all my Land liing (sic lying) below the Road on the South East Side of Prince's path to the head of honey Cuts Branch. Also I will and Bequeath to my Son James All my Land above the Road including the Plantation where on I now live and from the Road Down the Shop Branch and a direct cource through the Creek and through my land and likewise I will and bequeath to Son Mark, the Land whereon he now lives - Beginning at the Road and Runing down Cyprus Branch to the mouth thence through Simpsons Creek up the Good Ground Branch All below down to Jameses line and also to my Son Solomon I will and bequeath all the Remainder of my land above my Son Marks land and to Wm. Todd son of my Daughter Ales deceased I will and bequeath two cows and there calves also to my Daughter Sarah one Feather bed and furniture and Also to my Daughter Nancy one Bed and furniture and also two likely young cows and there calves Each Both Sarah and nancy and all my Stocks of Horces and Hogs and Cattle With all my movable household property to be Sold and All my just debts to be paid and an Equal dividetion to be made between my Beloved heirs namely John Reavs and Mark Johnson (sic Reaves?) and Candace Johnson and Sarah Reaves and nancy Reaves and Also my will is that the Land of my Younger Sons Should be Rented out yearly and the money Equally Divided between them both when they are of age - and also I will that my beloved Son in law namely Jacob Johnson and Joshua Johnson Should be my Executors to Execute this my last Will and Testament In witness whereof I have here unto Set my hand and Seal this First day of November in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred & nineteen.
Signed Sealed and delivered Mark Reaves, Senr
in presence of
Solomon Reaves
Wm Carter and
Solomon Reaves Junr
Recorded in Will Book B, Page 3
Recorded November 16th, 1819,
S. G. Singleton Esqr Ordinary of Horry District
Box 7, Bundle 2